
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:57:04
One night a young American doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell began to ring.One night a young doctor was sleeping when his doorbell ring.“Can you come to a place out of town.I’ll come soon.” 38 a few minutes,the car came.The man got I heard someone________me all the time when I was on my way home last night.I heard someone________me all the time when I was on my way home last nightA. followed B.following C.to follow when he comes home on sunday night 为什么不用when he is coming homewhen he comes home on sunday night and you will hear how awful it was 说这句话的时间是在星期五的晚上,想问为什么不用is coming 或will comes home表达将来? snake的同类词 现有阻值分别是10欧,15欧的电阻两只,允许通过它们的最大电流分别是1安和0.6安.若将它们串联起来使用,两端允许加的最大电压是________伏. He is on his way to home,能这么写么? 宇多田光的First love翻译! he is ( ) him the way home ,his parents are waiting ( ) him ( ) home 英语翻译歌词高潮部分是YOU ARE MY FIRST LOVE,LOVE`````` LOVE ```````LOVE```````QQ音乐官方链接:Unknown-First Love Danny is walking.He is _____his way _____ home.A.on; to B.for; / C.at; to D.on ; /Danny is walking.He is _____his way _____ home.A.on; to B.for;/ C.at; to D.on ;/ 英语翻译是翻译中文的 我哦刚学完50音图 知道的聪明人请翻译哦 Jam SISKA的《first love》的中文翻译、 first love这首歌的全部意思.请帮忙翻译下. 一首男声DJ,其中有歌词的发音好象是dance dance dance dance dance long dance long早朋友的车上听到的,中文的译音是,爹爹爹爹爹咙爹爹,男生,哪国的语言我不清楚,麻烦朋友们了, DANCE 怎么发音 关于Just Dance中dance的发音我怎么听不出来是[dæns]. take me higher发音和歌词 雷达是现代战争重要的军事装备,可以用雷达测量出空中飞机到测量点的距离.当飞机在雷达上方时,测得雷达向飞机发生的微波从发射到反射回来的时间为5*10^-5s,微波的传播速度为3*10^8m/s,此时 悬赏50!初一的数学.秒采最佳!急求急求如果二元一次方程组x+y=3a,x-y=9a.的解是二元一次方程2x-3y+12=0的一个解,那么a的值是 运动中的物体有什么特点?静止的物体有什么特点?运动中的物体______静止的物体 _______ 甲乙两物体都做匀速直线运动.已知甲、乙物体速度之比为4:5,所用的时间之比为3:2,则甲乙两物体通过的路程这比为甲乙两物体通过的路程之比为4:3,速度之比为3:2,则两行驶时间之比为 秒采最佳求计算代数式 1.a-a÷(1+a%)2.a÷(1-25%)-a 一只10欧和一个100欧的电阻并联后得多少欧, 英语翻译Mantle and the convicted man were put in the back of the same van and driven five miles to the city jail.When they were taken out of the van,Mantle had a black eye and a bloody nose.He told the deputy that the defendant had head-butted hi 填一个词 He often buys n___ on his way home because he like nems. He buys a comic book on his way to home.改错最好有原因 物体在第1s末的速度是5m/s,则物体在第1s内的路程一定是5m.正确错误?如错.错在哪里? 秒采最佳1.反射光线,入射光线和法线交于一点,这是什么点——2.法线与反射面是什么关系? 在透明塑料袋中滴入几滴酒精,将袋挤瘪,排尽袋中空气后把口扎紧,然后放入热水中,过一会儿,塑料袋鼓起;从热水中拿出塑料袋,过一会儿塑料袋又瘪了,其中的酒精液化了排尽空气的目的是什 快如图 Would you like to go to see Beijing opera with us now?---___.---That's all right.Maybe next timeA:Sure,I'd love to.B:Sounds like a great ideaC:I can't wait .Let's go/D:I'd love to .But I'm busy. 英语Do Does什么情况使用