
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:44:59
昙花 阅读短文理解原文:只看过一次昙花的开放,那种感觉,凄美而壮烈. 一共五盆,排在大堂的一边. 圆筒形的主枝,傲然直立.分枝多,呈叶状形,枝上巍巍然地挂着即将灿烂开放的花蕾. 我和 (10年高职考题)仿照例句的句式和修辞手法,继续用“父亲”作本体续写句孑,并使它们与例句构成一组排比.例:父亲是暴风雨中的脊梁,为我遮风挡雨;父亲是 ,为我 ;父亲是 ,为我; he jump very high 改否定句 英语什么时候用副词(加ly),什么时候用原形 I can't believe he could jump _____ high.A.very much B.sush C.that D.this 请附理由 How in the world did you know that 句中的how in the world 是不是一种常用形式? mike,you have a cold and you_____ go out.its very cold outsideA.not had better.B.had not betterC.had better not.D.had better为什么这里用had过去式了? 为什么不是Why do you know that,而是How do you know that 急求如何消灭家鼠!我家里是楼房,还算新的,不过断断续续总有些老鼠.鼠洞应该是没有的,主要是通过门窗进出(把我的网线差点咬断了).以前还好,如今太猖狂了!晚上在我闲爬来爬去,还屡次 谁知道怎样消灭家鼠? 10.在家鼠遗传实验中,一黑色家鼠与白色家鼠杂交(白色与黑色由两对等位基因控制且独立遗传),F1均为黑色.F1个体间随机交配得F2,F2中出现黑色:浅黄色:白色=12:3:1,则F2黑色个体中杂合子比 如何灭家鼠已抓住几只,用的粘鼠板.还剩一只很狡猾,两天了还没抓住.请帮忙.谢谢! 转基因粮食问题,大概20年前,家鼠就是成年家鼠的体型,由之前变成现在只有1/3大小,有人说是老鼠药造成的,或麦药造成的,但更多人说是转基因食物的问题,恳请有良心的中国人查一查!别整天打 要一个100来个词的英语笑话(一个人说的),还要有汉语翻译.要求:高一学生能听懂的,能让全班人大笑的! 在英语中数字1的副词是什么?就是 one的副词。 that is how i know you go on 怎么翻译?特别是go 11.All work is pleasant_ ______when the habit of working is formed.  A.done B.doing C.to do11.All work is pleasant_ ______when the habit of working is formed.  A.done B.doing C.to do D.to be done选啥?为啥? I noticed him__the home work for his brother.A.doing B.does C.did Dto do(说一下原因,) 英语中什么时候用形容词什么时候用副词? 人类生存与哪些生物有关 How are you?Fine,thank you.( 求一个幼儿英语律动 歌词是Hello hello hi hi hi how are you I am fine thank you. B:I am fine,thanks.How are you?A:()(),().Thank().今天下午就要去学校了,我一直搞不清楚那个逗号是干嘛的,求回答! How are you 是Fine.还是FIne,thank you. Who is my mr.right 英语翻译我将会根据下面Wilson的信息释放CD到印刷厂a.I'll according to below information from Wilson release CD to printers.b.I'll release CD to printer according to below information from Wilson.请问哪一个好些,还是两个都 according to microsoft 翻译 英语翻译According to a new federal law,for any defective products,all costs associated with any repair should be paid by the manufactuture.其中associated用related替换可以吗? When I got there, the meeting _____ for ten minutes.A. has been on B. had begun C. had been on D. has begun As the meeting __for sevral minutes when i got there.so i had to walk in quietlyAhad lasted.Bhad started 与前面两句构成排比)例句:不要做涧底径直的石子,任时光如水自梦里流泻而过.不要做空中游移的白云,让浮云飘蓬留不下一点碧痕浅波.仿句:( ) 排比句式的仿句,知识是什么