
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 15:38:35
高中生物必修2为什么果蝇的Y染色体没有白眼基因如果假设Y染色体上只有白眼基因,没有红眼基因,书上所有的实验现象都解释的通. travel experience请以这个为题写一篇60-80词小作文 关于my travel experience的100字作文 翻译:We have over 20 years experience in the travel industry handling civilian,military and corporate travalers. -i am going to travel to america.would you consider telling me about your experience there?-_.let's discuss it over dinner.A.that's all right B.by all means C.Go ahead D.it just depends选B.整个句子什么意思呀 You can travel and experience a different( ).填词,空中要填7个字母的词 改写拟人句:荷花在池中随风摆动. 无数株小麦随风飘动(改为拟人句) 使他们激动是makes them excited还是makes they excited?为什么? Loud music makes them energeticRainy days make me sad为什么1个make有s一个没啊,雨分大雨小雨的啊 英语翻译原文如下:To make a long story short,which is what old age is all about,when you think about it,which I try not to do,Jack said...或者,至少把万分理清了也好吧. Both adults and children can be affected by this dangerous metal 译成汉语 Both adults and children can be affected by this dangerous metal 变为主动语态 新三国:为什么说曹操想杀许攸而不敢杀,(许褚给许攸杀了)为什么曹操想杀许攸呢 请问三国演义中魏国除了曹操和司马懿之外还有谁比较有名? --I'm afraid the class has begun.--Don't worry.It _______ until the bell ______.A.doesn't begin;ringB.won't begin;will ringC.won't begin;ringsD.doesn't begin;will ring说明理由,火速 I'm afraid the classhas begun.Don't worry.It ---- until the bell--- .A;doesn't begin; rains B; woA;doesn't begin; rains B; won't begin;rings I am afraid the class has bejun,Do not worry.It will not bejin until the bell ringsI am afraid the class has bejun,Do not worry.It will not bejin until the bell rings.中第一句为什么用完成时 chain of command什么意思 什么是chain of command chain of command是什么意思 怎么写广场的热闹的作文? 写广场的作文结尾怎么写? He didn't arrive until the meeting was nearly over,for the simple reason is thathe () asllep while watching TVhad fellen/has fellen/fell/was fallingfall asleep有哪些时态? 描写天地广场美景的作文 .the life of the silkworm begins with e_____4.in food chain,the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________ with the summer coming with the summer coming 这句话对吗 是随着夏天的到来的意思吗 you mustn't leave school before school is over写同义句 表示外形,神情,动作,心理的ABCC的词语? 怎样理解海明威的小说 A Very Short Story 某塑料大鹏的截面如图所示,部分近似看做抛物线,现测得AB=6米,最高点D到地面AB的距离DO=2、5米点O到墙BC的距离OB=1米,借助图中的直角坐标系,回答下列问题:(1)写出A、B的坐标;(2)求 平南县大鹏镇有哪几个村呢?有哪几个村?