
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:46:56
大学过四级难吗?我高中英语就九十几啊一百分左右,刚好及格.想知道以我如此水平考大学四级难度对我如...大学过四级难吗?我高中英语就九十几啊一百分左右,刚好及格.想知道以我如此水平 所有水果的英文拼写和发音是什么? 用3-5句简单的英文介绍广州的一个特色景点或一种美食, The speech which he made __C__the football match bored a lot of fans to death. A,being concernedThe speech which he made __C__the football match bored a lot of fans to death.A,being concerned B,concerning C,concerned D,to concern求解释 The speech which he made _________ the football match bored a lot of fans to death.a.being concerned.b.be concerned.c concern.d.concerning 那为什么要加ing?make 后面不是用原形么? yesterday'football match made them feel (bored,boring) It () when I ()in the country.a happened;was living b had happened;lived c happened;had livedd was happening;lived 精诚所加,金石为开. 关于4级成绩分析(采纳后追加分数!)本人4级总分571,听力196,阅读202,综合47,作文126.请问各部分水平都在什么层次?哪部分成绩提升空间大?考6级有难度吗?能说一下各部分中上等分数分别为多 this is -------------your notebook A.a b,an C the D\ 人属什么纲?什么目?什么科?什么属?黑猩猩呢? 谁获得的有关黑猩猩的研究成果为灵长类行为学研究打下了基础 黑猩猩和人分别属于什么属、什么科、什么目、什么纲.给个答案OK 、 灵长目人科中有哪些属 黑猩猩与麝鼹哪个是灵长目? 英文字母d开头的水果单 写出P字母开头的关于水果的单词并注上中文,写出S字母开头的关于食物的单词并注上中文. 山、水、秀、游、玩、明、高、低、流,能组成哪4个成语? 山,水,秀,游,玩,明,高,低,流.组成四个成语!快12点我下了! 低流山水秀游玩明高 把这些字组成四条四字成语 用“山、水、高、低、明、秀、游、玩”这几个字组成四个成语 “明”能组成那些四字成语? I have nothing to do I feel_____ A.excited B.tired C.bored D.happy i'm bored to death ,but suicide is hurtwhat can i do Except bored life isn't bored to miss you! 原题是:________ to our small house,we find his house seem like a palace.A.When compared B.Compared C.To be compared D.Comparing Is this your notebook?No,it is not.Ask BilIs this your notebook?No,it is not.Ask Bill.He is looking for_.(应填什么.为什么?) Is this your notebook?No,it isn't.ask Bill.He isIs this your notebook?No,it isn't.ask Bill.He is looking fo____ If you don't know these new word,please look them ____.填一个单词 If you don't know how _______(spell)new words,please look them up in a dictionary(给一下依据) ___the flowers,he sat down and had a drink.A.watering B.having watered C.watered D.to water 关于x的不等式组2x-k≥0,3-4x>2的整数解有5个,求k的取值范围