
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 02:20:16
英语作文一篇,假定你班明天下午将召开一次以“Keep our school clean”为主题的班会,请根据以下要点用英语写一篇简短的发言稿.1、不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾.2、不在墙上乱涂乱画.3、坚持每天认 请大家帮忙写一篇英语作文幸福的婚姻幸福的婚姻需要夫妻双方的共同维持.每一个人都有自己的个性,在婚姻生活中夫妻双方需要责任、理解和爱.当然每一个人也有自己的缺点,那就要求大家 Mr Black is a teacher.(改为一般疑问句) Mr Black is ------ teacher1是they2是their3是them如果知道,用以上仨选项回答Today ------have an English lesson 对于男孩子,我们有仅售二十二美元的黑裤子 汉译英 Mr Black is a teacher .(变成特殊疑问句) 急,明天就要交了. Mr Black is a(n)_______(very good) teacher横线上一个词 根据句意及英文释义完成句子 What book can't you put down 翻译 what can you learn from the story?write it down习作啊 英语翻译快翻译 帮我找找英语单词第一1st,英文是什么来着?第二2nd等等等等一直到31号,缩写加原型 The New Year’s Day is the first day in january整个句子的意思知道答案的朋友们请快 回答,答者有奖 is year's january day first 连词成句 New Year's Day is (on the first of January) 括号提问 (May and Mary's ) room is pink 括号提问We usually (have a class party) on Children's day 括号提问Please do your homework now 改否定句We have an English class on Friday afternoon 连词成句.1.four,a,the,kilo,yuan,is,corn(.)2.Day,New Year’s,on,is,first,January(.) Mr.Black is a very yellow one.是什么意思? January is the first day of a year.中of可写为in吗?为什么?谢谢你. He is very red with anger when his friend cheats him,but he saysnothing.Yesterday he lost the key to his door.He looked green and felt blue.He found it this morning.He is tickled pink now.1.判断正(T)误(F)Mr.Black is angry when his friend Mr.Black is a very yellow one.He is very red with anger when his friend cheats him,but he saysnothing.Yesterday he lost the key to his door.He looked green and felt blue.He found it this morning.He is tickled pink now.1.判断正(T)误(F)Mr.B Mr.Black is a very reporterMr Black is a very good reporter.He likes __51__ interesting news stories.He also works __52_ a weatherman for BBC.But these days he is in trouble,_53__ he is not good at his job.I know he is a good reporter,_54__ he is not 形容“欣喜若狂”心情的四字词语3个,不一定是成语,“手舞足蹈”这类词就不用上了. 形容人们兴高采烈的四字词语“‘神州’5号发射成功!指挥大厅里一片欢腾. 谁帮忙写一篇关于人和社会的英语作文要初三水平的就行了人在线等``现在急要``` 英语翻译own ___________ My parents are making cakes in the kitchen 用where回答 1.My parents are making cakes in the kitchen.(用where提问) my parents are making cakes in the kitxhen.(用Where提问) I miss my parents when I leave my family=I miss my parents when I[ ][ ][ ]my family 描写人物外貌的四字词语 描写外貌的四字词语有哪些 求中文翻译 只等五分钟One afternoon some children were playing near a river.A big dog was standing near them. It saw a little girl falling into the river.The dog jumped into the water at once and helped the girl. After the gilr was saved,she 工人师傅要把12cm.16cm.44cm.长的三根木棒截成同样长的小棒,不能有剩余,每跟小棒最长是多少厘米