
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 02:58:42
There have nothing ……英语改错题There have nothing in the room except a bed and a table谢咧2.If you do so ,they get angry with you RT英语从句一直不太会,尤其是where和which不会区分.知道where是指地点,which指物,可有一种题型在这点上体现不明显..请先帮我看看下面两道题吧>< 求friends词汇表最近再看《老友记》,想借此练练听力和口语,可是里面有很多俚语,所以求一份词汇表. 有关friend 词汇可以是描述与朋友的关系的\描述如何与朋友交往的等等 friend的对应词 friend?如题回答 meet you连读 and you连读 发音要音标还有中文读音 英文单词friend是什么意思? He___a new computer last month.A.buys.B.bought.C.is buying.D.will buy ____of your spare time matters a lotA How use you make B What use you make C What to make use D How to use used to 的用法 used to的用法 You'll get there ____ about five o'clock .用介词填空 It was already eight o'clock_we got there.为什么填whenever,不填when或者while? 用连词填空1.it was already eight o'clock -------we got there.he had learned c2.he had learned chinese ----------he came to china . The ill man has been in hospital for a year.哪错了?为什么?怎么改? 单词拼写:1.The old man has_____(躺)in hospital for a week用所给适当形式填空:1.Oh his way home he found a bag____(lie)on the ground.2.His mother is old.Her_____(know)of computer is poor.3.He is very smart.He always has_____(use 帮我解决5题英语,1.()the gas before you go to bed.a.put down b.put out c.put up d.put into2.-can i bring my dog here tomorrow?-( )a.yes,you can b.no,you can't c.yes,i can d.no,i can't3.-is there ( )to tell us?-no,nothing.a.exciting anything C#中的计时器要怎么用,给个例子 帮我解决这5道题.(英文)My brother usually go to school on foot.(walk)Mr Wang lives near his workplace.(not far from)We shouldn’t break the rules.(must)The visitor spent an hour walking from one side of the lake to the other.(take)Where woul 面对困难,许多人戴了放大镜,但和困难拼搏一番,你会觉得,困难不过如此. 面对困难,许多人带了放大镜但和困难拼搏一番你会觉得困难不过如此的含义 used to用法 关于used to 的用法我看过好些句子.有的是主语后面直接加used to,例如:he used to get up early.但有些句子主语与used to 之间又加有be动词,例如:I am used to eat dinner with my family every day.这两种用法到 John is so yong that he can't join the football club.John is ___ ___ ___ join the football club. 【关于托业】进外企有必要考托业的口语和写作考试么?托业的口语和写作好像是从去年开始的,反正今年是可以报名这项考试了.以前是只有听力和阅读的,所以外企也只是认听力阅读分数就可 外国人说汉语我们听着很生硬,那我们讲英文他们感觉也这么强烈吗?外国人听中国人讲英语有没有生硬的感觉? 我在一家外企上班 现在想针对英语考个证 大家说考BET好呢还是考托业呢? 如果不进外企,考托业还有意思么? 世界上的发达国家共有哪些? 地理选择:要使我国工业尽快赶上世界发达国家水平,与需要做的工作不吻合的是A.努力用新技术改造传统工业B.加强能源,原材料基础工业的建设C.建立更多的工业城市D.促进与扶持乡镇企业选 超越哈勃阅读答案快