
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 15:32:16
在△ABC中,AB=15,BC=4,AC=13,求△ABC的面积 在△ABC中AB=AC=5,BC=6,则 ABC面积是多少 解释下面的词语!(要大概,并举例子【1个足以】)1.一日三秋和三秋一日2.咫尺天涯和天涯咫尺3.戏如人生和人生如戏 4.大材小用和小材大用在举出一个上面的例子,这些有的不是成语,只是熟 十分满分…能有几分 我最多能有几分? 测量山峰高度 山峰的海拔是怎样测量的? 英语翻译我只知道李翻译成Lee,那庄,周,孔之类的姓氏怎么译啊? 灬这个符号怎么打 尛这个字怎么打 灬这个符号怎么打 0算不算1位数? 如图,要测量某建筑物的高度ah,立两根高为2米的标杆bc和de,两杆相距bd=38米,d, 英语2题,1.The boy with a dog__(do) his homework at home2.ask the child__(piay) with me3.mr.li speaks english__(good)4.let the girl not__(sing) on the bus5.there is a woman__(swim) in the river6.each of__(we) has a car7.how many__(knife) do you hav kindiy issue什么意思 issue是什么意思 sin6°*cos12°*cos24°*cos48° 一竖一日加一儿是什么字,儿在下面,一竖一日也就是旧在上面 A:Look out!A car is comingB:I ____ see my mother in the hospital the hospital is ocer thereA:But you ____ cross the road from here there is heavy traffic.itis dangerous .A car may hit you B:where ____ I cross the road ,please?A:There ,at the first tu 一个担任旁,一个口,口下面一个儿字中间加一竖认什么 兰加一笔是什么字 愎的读音 什么 愎自 什么()愎自() 还有 天()海() blended whisky是什么意思 初2英语题,速度1.The Five Offcial Temple is five kulometre ____ , you'd better take a No.5 bus. A.far B. far away C .away2.They spent the whole night _____ the wonderful match.A.reading B.on watching C.watching 最后说明原因 2x+3y=m+1 3x+2y=2m-1的解x,y的和为8,求m的值 1.Kangkang has a ticket ______ Harry PotterA.to B with C of D about2.Ann knows the key ____ this question.A.for B to C of D at 3.It's _____ that Liu Xiang will not take part in the match.A.surprised B surprise C surprising D surprises请说明原因. 三元一次方程组 3x+2y=m+3 2x-y=2m-1 x+Y=0 Some people think that the _____(life)of the performer are made upEveryone should ____(take) this mistake____(serious)The English short play made all of us____ A to cry B laugh C eating D dances 关于“鼓励”对我每一个人的重要性.给一个开头和结尾,最好多点字, library嘛意思?英语作业 蓝字后面加两个相同的字 兰字加偏旁