
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:31:22
过期的承诺英语的简写我知道英语是Commitment expired简写事什么 TCS(品质保证部)是什么的缩写啊?我们公司的品质保证部被称为是TCS部.能告诉我是什么的缩写么? 有没有好的有关中国文物的纪录片推荐?重点介绍长城、颐和园、兵马俑这类历史文物的…… when did he come home 对么 When is dad coming home,mom?-When the work-----,he may come home.A.will doneB.doesC.will doD.is done 柬埔寨的英文 柬埔寨英文介绍!主要是柬埔寨的大致情况,包括国界,风俗等.明天英语课,准备演讲! 求赞美/描写医生的排比句格式为:他们,.;他们,.;他们,. 奥数!急!明天交!高手来(小学的)1.某工程先由甲独做12天,再由乙独做36天完成.如果有甲,乙合做20天就可以完成.现在甲先独做18天,然后再由乙单独完成,那么还要多少天? 2.甲,乙,丙三队合作承包 小学奥数比例题,十万火急,下午交了1.甲乙两人的钱数之比是3:1,如果甲给乙6元,则两人的钱数之比变为2:1,两人共有多少钱? 2.甲.乙、丙三同学共有图书108本,乙比甲多18 本.乙与丙的图书数之 Tomorrow tom with his frilds--------going to fly to England Red And Blue 歌词 a red and blue sharpener 朝鲜女主播很强啊朝鲜女主播哪儿有,朝鲜女主播哪儿有谁知道哪儿能看朝鲜女主播的播报谁知道哪儿能看朝鲜女主播的播报 朝鲜在哪,朝鲜在哪朝鲜在哪 千里马铜像 CHOLLIMA STATUE怎么样 四级英语的词汇范围基础不特别好的,好过吗,怎样才能过呀 求 赞美护士 的诗句你不是启明星,却带来希望的曙光 访写三句一定要按我给的诗句 仿写 别的不行 对护士的赞美,仿写下列句子例子:你无私——献生命、扶伤痛.你勇敢——抗危机、攻难关.仿写:你. We noticed that they were playing football when we went home.改为同义句 We noticed _ _ football when we went home. 同一句转换We noticed that they were playing football when we went home-We noticed()()football when we went home They were watchng and singing when she went home的问句是什么? 英语翻译When Sandy and sue were coming home from school yesterday afternoon,they saw a crowd of people near a bank."What's happening?" they asked and joined the crowd.They were surprised to see two thieves in the street.The thieves were running o 马说 从文中千里马的遭遇来看,人才展现才华,发挥作用最需要的是什么? have done、 have been done的区别1.been是代表被动语态么?2.i have not seen him for a long time.he must have been very busy.这里不能说他被很忙啊?那为什么会有been呢?3.water说很少要用什么修饰?很多呢?不可数名词 have done和have been done 的区别, with a smile on his 英语介绍一种职业 请用英语介绍演员这个职业,请用英语介绍演员这个角色,大概五句话就够了,如果好还会提供更多的悬赏 用几句英语介绍警察故事2013 比如 A film about police. have been doing 和have done 还有had done三者的区别,用法举几个例子, 写观察花的作文,