
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:13:50
later will check check在这里解释成什么?和老外做生意,问老外什么时候要货,他给了这么一句!check有检查、帐单等含义,在这里该解释成什么? 用光彩夺目和百花争艳造句 2-3句句子 I will have to check what is on when I go to Dalian.“what is on”是固定搭配“什么是对的”吗?在别的句子中也可以把what is on 当词组来用吗? 形容万物萌发,百花争艳的春天的诗句 We are counter check with client for the status and will revert to you later 这句谁能帮忙翻译下?谢 He found that his hens laid ___ in the summer.A.hardly any eggs B.any eggs hardly what kind phone and what price etc i will check.是 I have done somthing that……这句话里哪个作谓语?是have done是谓语还是就是have 是谓语? 6.I don't think he had his supper at the school,_____?A.had he B.did he C.do I D.don't you7.I don't think he'd like to take such a difficult job,______?A.had he B.would he C.do I D.don't you8.I don't think her passpor's gone,______?A.is it B.has she "The stream wound its way across the field and flowed right under their tent!"这句话中文翻译是什么?我特别不理解"wound"与"right"这两个词在这句话的意思, 明年我希望我能够保持快乐 ,用英语,be going to的句式,急. 一道科学题:遇到巨大声响时,为什么要张大嘴,紧捂双耳急. 《不能陷人于法》中“裴矩能当官力争”的“力争”是什么意思? 女朋怎么发说说 别让自己陷的太深了人随时变的什么意思女朋怎么发说说 别让自己陷的太深了人怎么会变的什么意思 globalisation will always have supporters who are blind to the destruction it can cause中it怎么解释 文章中一般哪里需要用到借景抒情这种写作手法的?请列举一下.如:开头、结尾或……的后面或前面我的意思是,借景抒情一般用在文章的那一部分,记住是哪一部分!如:开头、结尾,……的后 One thing certain,that is 借景抒情可以写人、事的开头结尾好几次计算机和指导下比较反感 If one thing is certain,there will be a next time怎么翻译 英语翻译是这一个句子 great interest是否可数? 汉武帝几岁当的太子?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 after a point翻译 interest利益可数吗 After a 12-point Christmas will be gone,but stillI wish you ---my baby ,happiness in the future. 请问汉武帝的老婆陈阿娇是怎么死的?能介绍下汉武帝那个朝代背景吗?如题所问 15.古代诗歌四首学习辅导答案 阅读题阅读下文,醉花阴 李清照薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑销金兽.佳节又重阳,玉枕纱橱,半夜凉初透.东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖.莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦.天 staff relocation allowance是什么意思 after two hours’ hard play.整句翻译 You shouldn't ___;it is your own mistake.A.annoy B.be annoyed C.have annoyed选什么解释下顺便翻译下句子谢谢 dad is the one i miss most 加不加that 有没有8年级的寒假作业答案啊