
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 02:52:21
服装店铺 用35w 金卤灯和75w金卤灯 使用效果区别大么 问几个英语题↓↓He plays baseball and basketball very well.这个地方为什么用will而不用nice或good还有He has many sports collection.这个地方为什么用many而不用some He said that __ rain they couldn't go A in caseB in case of C in that caseD if jim has a ______ basketball and he plays basketball ____?括号里该填什么:A:good;good B:good;wellC:well;well D:well;good Do you have a boyfriend? but it is useless to do this now that you have become a prisoner 中文意思 托福一战87感觉是因为第一次发挥失常了,4.9就2战想冲102..我这次的成绩是阅读25 听力22(有点分心) 口语18(紧张悲剧了)写作22(应该是用的词太低级,主要是当时没注意,注意一下可以用号 I’d rather you did some housework when you are free ,but you______ .A.didn’t B.shouldn’t C.weren’t D.don’t 根据意思查找成语形容长得结实 厚道质朴 查找一些成语的意思精卫填海,愚公移山,含辛茹苦,任劳任怨,坚苦卓绝,百折不挠,千里迢迢,肝胆相照,风雨无阻,坚贞不屈,赤胆忠心,全心全意,鞠躬尽瘁,扶危济困,赴汤蹈火,冲锋陷阵. 查找成语的意思殚精竭虑的意思是什么? please wait、 somebody just call me just wait 是什么意思? Just wait 什么意思? 保持原意:He has been in the army for about 10 years.He ( )the army 10 years ( ).SOS 蛇吃什么食物?蛇蛋在多高的温度,多久可以孵化出小蛇? just wait for 求bie不小心爱上你泰文发音歌词 bie一’不小心爱上你‘的中文发音 did you have___great time___on the lake?1 a to boat 2 a boating 3 some boating Jack knows the name of the film.I know it,too.怎么改否定句 改错:Because I seldom go to the cinema,so I don't know which film is on . 五香粉的主要成分是什么呢?说明白点 填空:She_ cry_ _.(不再) everything has changed 空间歌曲链接要空间可以用的 she always likes watching tv at night .[同义句]she [ ]TV at night.为什么是 is good to watching 求Everything Has Changed的歌曲链接 要空间可用的 everything has changed空间背景音乐链接 I usually ____ a bus to school five years ago.A,take B,took为什么不是take,前面不是有usually吗? Journal of the science of food and agriculture一审周期?有人投过Journal of the science of food and agriculture这个期刊吗?一审要多久啊? 每件事都在变,包括你 英语怎么说?everything has changed.后面呢 当外交官有什么好处?RT.尽量多举.那么还有什么坏处?