
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 04:59:53
请大家先看下面的题和解答:"_____ of them are not here." means " Some of them are not here." a.both b.all c.none d.neither正确选B啊,根据句意可以知道这是一个部分否定句.这个句子翻译后就是:他们当中有些 已知集合A={y|y=x^2-2x+3},B={y|y=x^2-4x+3},试确定集合A与B的包含关系. 判断下列集合A与B的关系A={x|x=-a2-4,a∈Z},B={y|y=-b2-3,b∈R} A={(a,b)} B={(b,a)} 求集合的关系无其他条件 若集合A=集合B,那么他们们之间的关系是什么 如果A∪B=A,则集合A与B的关系是? "变成"用英语怎么说(s开头) 我想问下有什么方法判断两个集合之间的关系呢?例题:{x|x是4与10的公倍数,x∈N+}.B={x|x=20m,m∈N+}.希望从这道题目中分析我问的问题, 判断下面两个集合之间的关系① A={1,2,4} B={x/x是8的约数}② A={x/x=3k,k∈N} B={x/x=6z,z∈N}③ A={x/x是四和十的公倍数} B={x/x=20m,m∈N+}“ 灬缘缘恋”你确定你的回答,第二个对吗?是真 怎么判断两个集合的关系例如:A={X丨X=3K,K∈N},B={X丨X=6Z,Z∈N} 这个关系应该怎么判断呀. 判断下列两个集合之间的关系:(1) A={1,2,4},B={x丨x是8的约数} (2)A={x丨x=3k,k属于N} ,B={x丨x=6z,z属于N} (3)A={xx属于N+丨x是4于10的公倍数},B={x丨x=20m,m属于N+} 请问“The lady took up dancing as a hobby in hersixties"怎么翻译? The lady______dancing as a hobby in her sixties……下面有补充The lady______dancing as a hobby in her sixties,and she is really good at it now.A.dressed up B.looked upC.took up D.put up 日本战国时代都有哪些大名是出自平氏的 She takes up dancing as a hobby.意思,谢谢 ________(she)++hobby++is++dancing+怎么填? 日本战国时代最早建立铁炮队的是哪家大名?要相关史料! 最后一题怎么做?用四字成语来概括风小,雨稀 -x^2+9x-14=0配方法来解 They are fourty-five gold coins错在哪里 They have five(five下面加了线)pebbles.(划线提问) Is the athlete have a gold medal?不是说第三人称是has吗?为什么是have? 归园田居中抒发作者愿望的句子 as soon as as…as… as…as possible ask sb.for sth.ask/tell sb.(how) to do sth.ask/tell sb.not着急!给我写下这些句型的意思 5/9x除以1/2加1=5/2还有百分之20X减3/4=2/3,5/6X加2/3*1/2=2/3,3/8X*1/4加1/4=11/8,9X除以12加3/4*1/2=3/4.2/3X减2/9=3/4 you believe in something or you want to achieve something,never give up!Because there is always a 2.297除以9x等于多少? 孩子总把表带放在嘴里,请问咘瓜亲子智能手表采用的材质是否可靠? 咘瓜亲子智能手表定位设备的辐射是否会影响孩子健康? what does your cousin do?a.she is a dancing b.she likes dancing c.she is a dancer d.she is good at where is Mrs Wang?I dong't know.M___she is in the office.十万火急嗷嗷嗷老爸不在家,偷电脑出来问作业.1.Do you Know the r___ of the game?yes.Tom came first.2.What is the d___ between the two cats? Do you know the name of the first p__ of the United States?