
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:13:07
Please pass me a paper这句话有什么错误请帮忙 thank you your meseage,please tell me your name .i wish you everyday happy thank you your meseage,please tell me your name .i wish you everyday happy Please_ _ _(兜风)with us. I can pass the exam because of your help(同意句转换)I can pass the exam___ ____ ____of yours. his star cannot be seen by our eyes(保持愿意) This star____ ____ to our eyes. 英语翻译整句的翻译书上是这么说的“在酒吧昏暗的光线里,他还是看不清她的眼神”所以不知道out有什么意思,从句子的翻译看不出来有什么意思 We had to stop to have a rest,_____we were very tiredA whileB whenC whetherD because If you were to host a party,what party would like to have and how would you arrange it?10句话的短文,口语化一点最好, At a quater past four 英语翻译我说意思是“当你来的时候,你正在吃饭.”他说必须按照be doing sth when 一定要翻译出 “突然”的意思 ,要不然是错的.我俩谁对?(没提问过.所有积分都用来悬赏了.求速回) past a to b和across a to b的区别 I’ll get in contact with you as soon as I arrive.翻译? 英语翻译 托物言志的作文200左右不要超过200字不要复制的! 一篇状物作文,托物言志的!自创抄袭转载均可!非诚勿扰!石榴,海燕,白鹅,鹤群不要! All the teachers and students were tired when they ___the top of the mountain.a.got b.arrived c.climbed d,reached what is the matter?if something worries you,please tell me.I want to be your friend.翻译哈 They will leave for Tianjin tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)—— —— leave for Tianjin tomorrow? I think they'will visit the Museum tomorrow.(改为否定句) My elder brother is happy because he has got a good ____ 空格内填work 还是job They are our books(our画横线)改成一般疑问句 Can u tell me what is the matter with you Can u tell me what the matter with you is 哪个是对的? No More 张佑赫新专辑的名字,最好是会意的, Rick__(start) to read the book an hour ago. It"s impossible for her ______(finish)______(read) the book within an hour. Mary is sad because she can't sing well. No more lies.okay? No More Lies 歌词 No More Lies ('98) 歌词 No More Lies (2006) 歌词 铁娘子 no more lies 歌词f翻译 ce加速器中文版怎么用~我要加速希望ol我下的是5.5的中文版不知道行不行