
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:59:46
yes,in the west,car is just like human legs.Without car,life would be tough. 观沧海前六句写-景,后四句写-景,作者看到的景色有-----------,这些景色表现作者----的胸怀和-----的气 ------Would you like_____?-------Yes,just a little.A some bread B some noodles C some dumplings D some meats 绿的歌,冰心我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象征着阔大,深远,庄严……我很少注意到或 绿的歌冰心阅读答案我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象征着阔大,深远,庄严……我很少 初三信息技术课一周几节大纲有要求么? 用"be familiar to""centre on/upon""concentrate on "造句.这3个短语各造一个,谢谢! concentrate on的用法 初三怎么不悔补回以前落下的课啊英语 英语都够呛怎么办啊 救命啊亲们 一周几节最好? He isn't an honest boy,is he?是反意疑问句吗?He isn't an honest boy,is he?是反意疑问句吗?肯定回答和否定回答分别是什么?这个句子和Didn't he an honest boy?有什么区别?肯定回答和否定回答分别是什么?如果 I do not think he is a writter 反意疑问句 I just thought it would be embarrassed if I said something wrong 还是 I just thought it would be embarrassing if I said something wrong your uncle isn't an engineer ,is he?类似的反意疑问句的答语该怎么回答?谢谢赐教··· 反意疑问句如果后面是否定,否定部分该与哪些构成否定?(如isn't就是is与not构成的) 就像我刚刚说的 是不是 as what I have said just now还有没更简单和地道的说法 冰心 绿的歌 补充习题上的 《绿的歌》冰心 的阅读答案.我的上帝,一定要帮我啊!我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象 绿的歌 冰心 我的童年是在大海之滨过的,眼前是一望无际的湛蓝湛蓝的大海,身后是一抹浅黄的田地.那时,我的大半个世界是蓝色的.蓝色对于我,永远象征着阔大,深远,庄严……我很少注意到或 请问on show等于on the display 还是等于on display? 求文档:观沧海前八句写什么,后四句写什么 key next the to your pants is连词成句 英语翻译是否为,使得你能够将精力集中在积极方面? histogram features with focus on automatic rule learning怎么翻译? 急求一篇以“细节决定成败,态度决定高度”为主题的作文,800字左右.只要原创我就把我的分全给你! 态度决定一切,细节决定成败出自谁口? station next the is house to the连词成句 His house is near the shopping mall.同义句我已经知道了.next to His house is near the shopping mall.You can take the underground to the shopping centre of thecity两句都转换为同义句 She study with {her sister} 对括号部分进行提问格式为:_____ _____ she______ with? obviously speaking ,she couldn't deal with these problemsactually speaking ,he is not a very good boy ,这两句都对吗, she couldn't see with her skin__she was blindfold.这句的连词除了用unless能用except吗?