
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:32:24
急求《庖丁解牛》的文言文整理!要文言文整理,如特殊句式、通假字、一词多义、古今异义、词类 She looks ______(love)in white.That's her favourite color. She looks as _____ as a picture in her long white dress.这边应该填pretty还是handsome为什么? 填分词1._____(穿)in white,she looks like a nurse.2.Look round and be careful________(穿过街道时) 为安塞腰鼓、社戏、印度舞、口技或中国戏剧写一则宣传广告,至少用一种修辞手法,不超过30字 求“安塞腰鼓”与“社戏”的原文,要与语文书上的一模一样才行~重赏~要与语文七年级下学期的16和17课一模一样才给分~ 一个游泳池长50m,宽25m,深1.2m,要将多少立方米的土运走? 跪求驯龙记英文简介驯龙记的英文简介 但不要太短 要在班级里做介绍 求求各位了哈 .. 英文翻译驯龙高手2的结局 电影驯龙高手(驯龙记)1、2英文简介1、2分别一小段,不用太长,六句话左右就可以了.一定要是英语的.急用, 你看过驯龙记后,有什么启发?用英文描述,要是解决了,一定给予好评! 是be focus on 还是focus on 请教target 及 focus on 的用法有什么区别?Best way to target traffic from other countries?My site focuses on English speakers, and I'm getting a great flow from USA.两个单词及词组好像互不相同,但中文意思又比较接近(我 "focus focus 五年级暑假作业是什么 focus on focus in有什么区别 英语翻译 七年级上册文言文7首和古诗14首 concentrate on 与focuse on 的区别 以my dream home为题写一篇短文.要求:1.词数在60词以上2.围绕下面的五个问题发挥想象.(1)Is it a house or a flat?(2)how many floors are there in your house/buiding?(3)how many rooms do you have in your home?what are they? concentrate on 和 concentrate to 的用法和区别?如题 be absorbed in与be concentrate on在用法上的区别是什么? centre on 和 concentrate on比较 concentrate on等于 "with focus on" 可以这么用吗? She couldn`t concentrate on her study with so many problems__.A.solved.B.to solveC.solving Dbeing solved 【用英语解释下列句子(初一)】例:Let's go to Xili Lake, shall we? 翻译为:Would you like to go to Xili Lake? 1.The girl is afraid of tigers.2.This purple hat is mine.3.Plenty of windows and doors broke.4.It's great fun.5.I had a goo 用英语解释下列句子初一题1.What do you do that for?2.I think wasting time is foolish.3.Can you tell me how I can get to the library?4.It took me an hour toget to the other side of the river.大虾们~ 英语翻译 拖拉机耕地组要耕地150公顷,已经耕了96公顷,剩下的要在6天内耕完,平均每天要耕地多少公顷?用列方程解和计算法解... 拖拉机耕地组要耕地150公顷,已经耕了96公顷,剩下的要在6天内耕完,平均每天要耕地多少公顷?(用算术法