
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 00:42:08
Physical details alone tell us about health,diet and type of work done.翻译一下这个句子 about health&wealth用英语写一篇不少于80字的短文 速度够数就行我在英语考试谁能把QQ留个 They would touch you touch left did they say they would be coming? My uncle is not at home.So my a__ is alone.横线里写单词,a是开头字母.快,快, the second parasnaph main tell us something about he/is/alone/at home/he/feels/lonely/so连词成句 As soon as it is 2nd January,I forget about my New Year resolution.翻译 the last before lastthe year before last 怎么翻译 为什么不是before last year At last he received their ____(invite) . wang shang zenmecha dian hua qing dan qing wen ru he zai beijing ban li shang biao zhu ce,zai na li ban li 笔记本包是单肩的还是双肩的背包好?要出差去,双肩的是不是不太成熟,幼稚?单肩的是不是会累点? 到底if(是否)后面句子中的something用不用改成anything呢?不是说if后面加陈述句吗?但好像很多句子if后面都是anything而不是something的 沈晴 shen qing 怎样拼成英文名? 为什么这个句子里用 anything 而不用somethingBut like anything else in life,things should be balanced 沈剑霞 shen jianxia怎样拼成英文名? 分析句子,为什么用anything不用somethingIF you are looked at for more than necessaryyou will look at yourself up and down,to see if there is anything wrong with you.整个句子· 条件状语从句的句型转换.急if you practice more,you will make progress in spoken english.句型转换____ _____and you will make progess in spoken English.我知道是用Practice more ...现在问题是为什么是用practice不是用practi 汉译英:我怀疑他们的旅行是否舒适 求告知这是什么句型,同位语从句?状语从句?The first night,then,I went to sleep on the sand,a thousand miles from any human habitation.这句话里 a thousand miles是做什么成分呀 关于虚拟语气的特殊例子~自学虚拟语气的时候.看到网上有这么一条:【有时,虚拟条件句中,结果主句和条件从句的谓语动作若不是同时发生时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调整】请问是做怎 虚拟语气中的半虚拟情况具体指的是什么?要有例子哦. 虚拟语气有哪些情况?举出例子 能否说they would like to see the plan be carried out. The plan __ the door needs to be discussed.A.to help B.helping应该 汉译英,请帮我翻译一下,“有一两次我发现我对自己的判断产生了怀疑.” 最棒的英文怎么写 word的问题?在一条横线上输入汉字,横线会变长,为什么?我想让字在横线上,别拉长横线.因为是固定格式 如何学习条件状语从句(条件状语的用法,结构,句型装换) ______ ______to collect stamps.集邮是有趣的. he likes c____ stamps