
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 21:26:33
我急需“新标准英语二年级英语期末试题(含听力)”最主要是要含听力部分,自己命题,不会录制听力部分所以请大家帮帮忙,最好是给我网站能直接下载听力和试题部分.很着急! 从哪儿下载新标准英语初二8年级下册课文听力?第一课是Do you collect anything?这个网站没法下载到MP5上啊~我要能下载到MP5上的... 英语听力初二下册谁有啊?要人教版的 谁知道英语的十六种时态的结构,用法(麻烦用表格总结出来), 近代以来,台湾与祖国大陆经历了哪两次大的分离和一次回归?两次分离的本质区别是什麽? 简述台湾和祖国大陆3次分离和回归的过程 近代台湾与中国大陆经历了哪两次大的分离和一次回归?阻碍台湾与大陆统一的因素主要侑哪些?我问的是近代! 近代以来,台湾和祖国大陆经历了哪两次大的分离和一次回归?两次分离的本质区别是什么? I don't really like thatI really don't like that 请问把really和don't 颠倒有区别吗? 定语从句中关系代词that 和which 要怎么分? I'm really happy to hear that you like your job. will call you later 请帮我翻译一下,谢谢 定语从句中关系代词which和that的区别如题 定语从句中,that which 做主语能省吗?如 I will share with you a true story happened a couple of days ago.中 happened 英语翻译求翻译.I don't think that you like to get along with Li Jun -- For he is really unreasonable. 定语从句中关系代词只能用that不能用which或的8种情况高中英语的知识好像初中也讲过明天上课要提问的啊 是8种情况 8大类 是8种!谁有最准确的答案哪! I don't really like vegetables that much.这个that能这样用的吗?为什么? 谁有英语时态表?(要有构成和讲解)要有各时态简介 我女儿一年级数学作业:第1题看懂了,但2和3就不是很懂了. would you like to see what you will be like when you are 30?的英文翻译 求英文翻译:Would you like to go to a party with sb would be well-advised to do sth为什么要用would be 可以用is 替换吗 1.There is a teacher desk( )the classroom.Our teachers often give classes( )the desk.A.in front of,in front ofB.in front of,in the front ofC.in the front of,in front of2.There are many televisions in this shop .( )is popular and excellent .Which one 1.many people go shopping in it every day.改为同义句( )( )people go shopping in it every day.填什么啊2.friendly同义词 我知道它的意思是友好的,可是还可以用神马啊!3.这些苹果很便宜.I will ( ) ( )[我买了] be advised doing还是 to do我记得说advise doing sth中间不能有sb而advise sb to do sb中间可以有sb,那么在这里是可以有可以没有还是一定要有?应该是 I was advised to do sth还是I was advised doing sth? 《木兰诗》中表现军旅生活苦寒情景诗句的是 初二数学,学霸帮帮忙 Each person should spend 20 yuan.(同义句转换) Each person should spend 20yuan.(同义转换)有个格式是The ____ ______each person________20 yuan. each person shouid spend 20 yuan同义句 Each student should spend 15元 —— —— ——each student is 15元They are both good dances in the club—— —— —— are good dancing in the club we should help each other.同义句lt's —— —— —— —— —— each other. 读者 意林 萌芽 青年文摘等文学杂志那个更好一些?不知道他们都有什么特点