
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:59:15
什么是及物动词,什么是不及物动词呢,有简单却确切的方法么,一个个去认好难得,特别是不及物动词必须前置介词,怎样区分他们呢,不懂哦 国庆征文谁帮我出个好题目,急, I'm sorry I __able to find a better way to help you with that.A .can't B.won't C won't be D CAN'T 根据毛毛可取什么英文名字 飞天小女警中毛毛的英文名是什么?毛毛的英文名是什么? 阅读短文,填入适当的词:My English teacher is Mr Song.In our class we a____________like him.Why?Do you know why?Because he is very f____________to us.OK!Let m____________introduce(介绍) my Englsih teacher,Mr Song,to you.He is a young man. 阅读短文,将适当的词填入短文!阅读短文,选择适当的词填入短文first,breakfast,meals,with,four,not,middle,like,any,comesIn many English homes people eat 1_ ______ meals a day:breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner.People have breakfast a 认真读短文,根据短文内容填入适当的词语.What kinds of homes will we live in in the____1______ Nobody can be sure,but architects and scientists are working out new____2_______ now.Some architects are thinking about building whole citie M y friend say that I am an attractive girl just the way I am.句中的just the way I am是什么成分 What is ----- hobby A she is B her c his 怎么 选择? 他为何谈了那么有关自己的爱好方面的情况 英文 What his hobbies? 经过A,B,C三点中每两点画直线,最少可以画几条?最多可以画几条? 一弯什么的新月什么的蓝天?快,1 一弯明月怎么了,怎么了(怎么了是一样的,是三个字) A covert front-line operator.啥意思? 湖形狭长弯曲,宛如一弯新月,所以又有“()”之称 The wenmen give them two books each这句话怎么翻译 She had been a good mother to four ,but she had survived them all 意思 谢 动物成语 一丘之() 呆若木()植物:心乱如() 写有关动物的成语:()发童颜 抱头()窜 一人得道,()()升天 compare two brands of the same product on at least 5 different feature:price and quality用英文回答..急用.任意两个品牌都可以. it is known that the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is at least 90度 greater than that of its exterior angles.Find the least possible number of sides of the polygon 书上answer是5.还有...要列出不等式啦... both , both of sb.either.or.,either of sbboth , both of sb.either.or.,either of sb .neihter.nor.all,all of sb.怎么用?求解?谁会啊,帮帮忙行吗 nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from far Isn't it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away! would you like to meet new friends from the United States的意思 家永远是我们休息的港湾吗? 《家》是个可以依靠依赖的港口吗?就业无门的在家人. 共工怒触不周山文中解释了哪两种自然现象?3Q My brother chould not work put the answer and_____ 选择A .so could I B.nor could I C.nor I could So can i 和 so i can 的区别 请帮忙翻译英文,给个标准点的中文答案:How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar.