
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:58:18
有关诚实的故事有哪些? 关于诚实守信的故事. 英语填空,选择合适的选项,the naughty boy got in his bedroom-------- the window.A.acrossB.overC.throughD.in--------the help of man-made satellites ,we can know what the weather will be like in the next few days.A.UnderB.WithC.UsingD.By 初二英语三道选择 初二英语选择三道1.I _____over my lessons by ten o'clock.Then I_____a rest.A.went ;had taken B.had gone;takeC.went took D.had gone;had taken2.How happy they were______each other!A.to see B.seeingC.see D.saw3.The living standard of the people i 三道初二英语选择,急 诚实小故事,要很短哦 3道初二英语选择,( )1.We spent three hours ____ our homework.A.do B.in doing C.to do D.on doing( )2.The boy was born _____ the 3rd of July,1989.A.in B.on C,at D.by( )3.We didn't go out to play _____ the bad weather.A.because B.because of C.met 英语 任务阅读 英语初三阅读,急 如果初三到国外读书,英语要达到什么水平呢? 空的3小题 六级541,准备考商务英语高级去年12月份考的六级,裸考,主要是完型几乎没得分,听力很好,口语不行,可以考商务英语的高级吗?还有,拿到商务英语的证书有哪些作用? 我六级过了 分不高 勉强过的~ 现在想考bec中级 怎么样 怎么准备 有经验的人请给点建议 谢谢 求曲线xy=1在(1,1)处的切线方程与法线方程 最后一个星期 怎么准备六级 有经验的进哎 我这是第二次考六级了~第一次考421~这次心里还是有点慌~我感觉我阅读不行~上次只有一百三十分 听力一百五~阅读是我的痛~ 急用急用,星火四级听力10份左右(听力题目文本+听力原材料文本+听力mp3), 1.Themother_B___about the children when they didn't come home from school.A.is upset B.was upset C.was upseting D.upset 2_A_the child if he doesn't behave well,and he'll soon stop.A.Ignore B.Ignoring C.Ignored D.To ignore3.We're having a discussi i ______freedom of speech for everyone ,no matter what color ,race or nationality he is.a .stand for b.stand out When he hurried back to the village with 999 red roses and a large sum of money ,only ( to be told ) the girl had got married the day before.A told B telling C to be told D being told 3道初二英语根据首字母和句意的适当形式填空I’m going to have an important m( ) this afternoon.I often do the s( ) with my sister on weekends.That’s my toy.Don’t play w( ) it 三道初二英语,快!1,they have no problem _____(finish) the work in time2,he was too happy _____(say)a word.3,It's enough to make her very _____(happy).麻烦说一下理由,不胜感激! 初二英语三道选择 用刺猬形容自己怕受伤害的一段话以前见过一段话`讲自己因为怕受伤害紧紧的蜷缩成一团`但却伤害了自己还是伤害了别人之类的`记不太清了`满意的有追加分哦! 英语四级刚过,535,听力167,阅读198,综合48,写作122,接下去该怎么准备六级,有经验者教授一下经验 高中英语选择题四道,在线等~1. Why have they sent me this bill? I ________ it several weeks ago.A. have paid B. paid2. There were more than five hundred competitors _________ part in the sports meet last week.A. took B. 4道高中英语选择题答案已给出 只求解析1 In ___ prepration for the landing of chang e's 1 scientists need___ knowledge of whether changes A the the B a \ C \ a D the a (C)如果填和这个类似的空有什么规则么?2 It is the firs 高中英语,会的来 初二英语第三题怎么做 英语翻译以下是我公司新的高尔夫品牌介绍资料.翻译请假回家过年了,急用,请各路大仙帮忙!OZA Design ConceptHigh-tech,cutting edge sharpnessOZA products reflect the heritage of golf in its innovation of the latest techn 求解答高中英语 求“今年我二十七八岁”链接!要能正常使用的. 谢谢