
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 21:35:38
在等差数列an中,d=0.2,a20=4.4,则a1=__,S20=___ "英文引号和中文引号的区别是啥?一直搞不懂啊?" ”“ 先生女士们请进14.有下列光学器具:照相机、潜望镜、幻灯机、穿衣镜、放大镜、牙医内窥镜.可以把它们分成两类:一类包括_________ ___,其特征为________ ____二类包括_________ ___,其特征为_____ _ 请从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表什么数字?请从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表什么数字,6、7、9、13、21、X 苏联计划经济的具体时间1 是不是战时共产主义时期和斯大林体制到苏联解体这两段时期?2 苏联现在是市场经济吗? 急 社会主义国家(指苏联)只能实行计划经济这句话对吗? 对苏联计划经济体制进行根本性改革的是A.新经济政策B.赫鲁晓夫改革C.勃列日涅夫改革D.戈尔巴乔夫改革请每个选项都分析 有关读书的作文 毛泽东对新民主主义革命经济纲领论述如何?这些论述对当代中国的基本经济制度有什么意义?请大大们解答 谁有关于读书的作文那? 2012大连市二模理科数学选择11题,具体题目来自2012年大连市高三第二次模拟试卷数学(理科),网上查得到 A very new ,young officer was at a railway station .He s on his way to visit his mother in (1)town .He wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train ,(2)she could meet him at the (3)in her car .He looked at all his pockets ,but (4)that he A very young officer was at a railway station.He was on his way to visit his mother in another town.And he wanted to telephone her to tell the time of his train so that she could meet him at the station in her car.He searched (搜索) his pockets for He was a young man.He wasn't very_.A:oldB:bigC:tallD:large A very young offcer was at a railway at 在等差数列{an}中,a1=1,a20=20,则S20=____; 在等差数列{an}中,a1=4,q=-2,则S10____. 又一个非谓语动词选择题Look,the building _______ is our library.A.is repaired B.being repairedC.repairing D.to be repairing为什么选B不选A呢?选B没有谓语啊? 一道关于非谓语动词的选择题————to work overtime that everning,I missed a wonderful film.选Having been asked老师说填Asked也对,但是如果两个选项都要优先“Having been asked”.可是这句话不是有先后关系 求助一道非谓语动词的选择题The research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it .A.begins B .having begun C.beginning D.begun我认为应该选C,因为从“研究开始”这种说法来看research和begin应该 第8 为什么不是d 小论文:你是如何看待严复的天眼论的 指出在中国实现民族独立后,共产党为实现民主政治所作的努力. 第二次工业革命以后,资本主义世界继续发展,是通过什么方式发展的?很不和平吗?这段时间资本主义世界有什么变化? 这个植物叫什么?怎么养啊,在水里生长吗?是不是得要营养液呀? When I felt tired and boring ,my mother ---(is)always----(encourage) me 答案是was和encourageingis 和encourages My mother is wearing a purple dress.(改为同意句) MyMy mother is wearing a purple dress.(改为同意句)My mother is_____ _____ _____ _____. 一个非谓语动词选择题The fire _____at last night is still seen______now.A.breaking,burning B.had broken,burning Ben asked mother .‘Where did you buy my cloth Ben asked mother wher--- ---- his cloth 以知关于x的方程ax²+bx+c=0的一个解是-1,试求│a-b+c-2010│的值 英语翻译The purpose of this computer virus code of ethics is to show commitment towards ethical computing,to promote safe and secure computing,to set ethical standards by which we can judge each other,and to provide leadership among computer user What is title of the passage? What is the writer's purpose in writing the passage?这个句子里,in怎么理解?是否可以换成of?全句的句子结构怎么理不明白?请帮忙说明.