
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 16:33:33
1.the teacher tells us ()()().老师告诉我们不要讲话. 2.he always practices speaking English in orout of class.请问此句中的in or out of class是什么意思?3.we met (at the school gate yesterday morning.)对括号内的提问4.Nancy(ta kilograms,a,of,asked,put,us,flour,bowl,he,three,to,into组成一句 kilograms,a,of,asked,put,us,flour,bowl,he,three,to,into he put his photos on the Internet for us toA.to have a look B.to read C.to have a look at D.to look 关于友情或亲情的作文,请提供一些感人的情节,要真实可信催人泪下的那种 Did not see that you are a best girl.Little Women... “一段时间”用英语怎么表达“不久以前”原来是想说这个.不久以前,要怎么说? leads to.away every vestige of vegetationit was not the fact leads to a draw 的中文意思 之后的很长一段时间里 用英文怎么表达? 英语作文leads to success120字第一段:从渴望到成功 你认为成功的要素是?...第二段 原因第三段 总结 -_____today?-it's Monday.A:when is it B:How is it C:What day is it 连词成句 cheese my in teeth cousin has his The training makes the test easier than it seems to be . My cousin has short hair and slim.我这句话写错了,我会改(Mycousin has short hair and is slim.)但是我不知道我的错误在哪? 还没开始,就已经结束 用英文怎么说? Father sometimes ______________ football matches with us.A.looks B.sees C.watches D.listens选择什么理由,我是家长,孩子订正选B 说是老师说的,我认为应该选C 形容建筑物或陈设等光彩夺目是什麼成语? I sat by the desk___(cry).请问cry应该用什么形式?为什么?to crycryingto be cryingto be cried 帮我评论两副画有什麼对比,两副画想表达什麼 one moring,a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his fee we're the only one's that bec高级班的口语怎么通过啊 ,我在职,想跳槽去外企 某招待所开会,每人房间住3人,则36人没床;每个房间住4人,则13人没床,如果每个房间住5人?方程解 He dosen't know how____(do)the show on the catwalk difference discrepancy 的区别如上 每个房间住3人,则36人没床位;每个房间住4人,则还有13人没床位,如果每个房间住5人,那么情况又如何? discrepancy 和 contradict 区别 一高一物理题 我做的和答案不一样,望大家辨析下汽车以10m/s的速度前进,从开始制动到停下来用了5s,在这段时间内,汽车每一秒前进的距离分别是9m,7m,5m,3m,1m 则 :汽车的加速度为?我做的是-2m/ It is+形+for somebody to do something就只要10句,快点谢谢,很急啊!在线等!要列句!学生党深夜求助,明天要交作业的说,大神别潜水了!越多越好 有没有It is likely for somebody to do something这种表达? ( )7.Let's _____ a visit to Grandparents.A.take   B.taking C.takes