
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:26:02
1.下列地图与等高线无关的是:A经纬网地图 B地形剖面图 C等高线剖面图 D分层设色地形图 2.阅读课本P24(七年级上期地理湘教版),等高线地形图上每一条线上的数字表示:A海拔 B相对高度 C The sports meeting will continue ( ) rains this afternoon.这是道英语选择题 选项是A.unless B.until C.if D.as soon as 请根据意思写出带有“深”字的四字词语 根据意思写出带有“深”字的四字词语深厚的感情和友谊叫( ). 极深的冤仇和恨意叫( ). 深远的谋划和思考叫( ). 幽深的大山和树木叫( ). 关于我的快乐寒假的作文(要350以上) 愉快的寒假作文怎么写 I don't want to have any student ____(miss) my class. 1 红包 2 我的快乐寒假600字左右 填形容词,()的哨音 ( 填形容词 )的声音或音调 The salad ____ really delicious.A.looks B.eats C.sounds D.tastes Sun of beach翻译成中文 在匀速行驶的车里,打开车窗后空气肯定会有进有出,应该是车窗后部的人感觉到风吹进来,风从车窗前部吹出去� I don't look back,memories tell miss do... it brings back memories是什么意思 I can't look back 扇贝的扇的读音是什么? l don't have glasses是什么意思? 英语翻译Certificate of IncorporationOf H.Bronnley co.,LimitedI hereby certify that H.Bronnley co.,Limited is this day Incorporated under the Companies’ Acts,1862 to 1890,and that the Company is Limited.Given under my hand at London this sevente 紫外灯管福照度0.63w/M2意思 乙酸乙酯皂化反应的反应速率系数及活化能实验测定,直接测定的物理量是哪些量? 单项选择:---He hasn't come yet.What do you know______?---No idea.选项:A.was hanppened to him B.has happened to him C.did he happen D.has he happened请问选那个?为什么? What was it that you did not come to class yesterday?怎么翻译 He thinks hard and friengly he finds a good idea.中文翻译、 He finds it hard ________ his class He finds that it's hard to do sth.宾语从句It's hard to do sth.还分主谓宾吗 茶师傅茶业有限公司用英文怎么说? well,with,along,am,classmates,your,would,get,sure,you,I 连词成句 She weighs 45kilograms. How tall thanks,miss Liu. She is 150 centim帮帮忙啊 扩句 ()革命先辈()献出()生命 革命先辈有哪些