
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:09:25
get_the_regret_over高达是哪部高达里的?谢 她会下棋,但下不好.翻译成英语 为五壮士写一副挽联就是哀悼死者的对联. 为烈士们写一副挽联 帮我写一副挽联是写给鲁迅先生的. Bomber was rare and worth rescuing.为什么要用rescuing 为什么不用 to rescue 为什么不用 rescued By 1898,a bomber was rare and worth______.A.to be saved B.to save C.saved D.savingB为什么不对? How to collect the semen from the ejaculation? 英语翻译1.我从口袋里拿出手机,给他打了个电话.2.我站起身,跟着他们跑出了田野. 30个过去时的句子,带翻译哟!星期六下午之前! 用所给的人称代词的物主代词形式填空Have you got __(you) umbrella?Yes,I’ve got___(I).__(he) schoolbag is heavier than __(she).Whose bedroom is bigger,__(we) or __(they)?Do you like __(you) Chinese teacher?I love __(we) Chinese 翻译句子 他无奈地说 注意用过去时 Have you got______umbrella? Have you got( )umbrella?(you).Yes,I've got( ).(I) 苏教版语文七下一二单元的所有词语是什么? 书是人类的( ).填写正确的词 书籍是人类的( ) 书籍是人类的什么? 什么书籍是目前人类最需要的? 哪些书对人类有用?比如像《相对论》那样的. 卢浮宫中有什么东东?FAST! 当年的卢浮宫什么意思 键盘布局/输入法我只有美式英语这一个选项,这个不正常吧,我以前电脑能打西班牙语的,现在打不了了, 英语翻译The reasons for its absurdity are many and varied.In the case of whaling,it can be summed up in the following way.When the stock has been reduced below a critical level,a natural,possibly unstoppable downward spiral begins because of thre I discover you head have 求翻译Yes ..when i have load ill send to How long have you been illA.Since last week B.A week ago C.Once a week 以前学过,忘了,为什么选A呢?我知道选A,但是因为要讲课,相关语法忘了,现在做英语题目都是凭感觉做的,谁能把相关知识点说一下 John was ill.Have you heard about ___?A .thisB .heC.it D .the one选哪个为什么其他的不行?请详解, Lily,You are so special that you seem different from other girlsEveryone in the world is different .So ,just ----,Tt is the way of life .A.enjoy yourself B.be yourself C. help yourself 为什么? 照样子写句子.例题:书是我的伙伴,是我的乐趣.(1)时钟是( ),是( ).(1)时钟是________,是__________。(2)_________是_________,是__________。 I have two cakes.One is for you and_____(other)is for Andy “曹衣似水,