
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:12:05
英语翻译我去年7月请代理在你们公司订购了XXXX,9月XXXX回家后,我发现他的右腿膝盖居然碎了!我很震惊,后来代理告诉我说右腿可以退回公司换,于是我就请她给我寄了回来。这期间,我 外国文学名著谁译得好帮忙分别举出以下名著哪位翻译的最好,谈谈理由傲慢与偏见安娜卡列尼娜茶花女呼啸山庄有其他的名著也可列出若结果满意,分数追加每本书都不一样,最好就每一本来 英语翻译2001年11月5日,中国成为WTO的正式成员国,标志着中国经济融入整个世界经济的进程加快,也预示着WTO的各项规则将对我国经济运行的各个领域带来前所未有的冲击.英国美国等发达国家 用英语介绍可乐鸡翅的做法,最好有分步骤的.是用英语介绍 I can't answer this question in English .I can't answer this question in chinaese.改写句子 成I canI can't answer this question in English .I can't answer this question in chinaese.改写句子 成I can answer this question in English in Chinese HELP~ANSWER THIS QUESTION IN ENGLISH~QUICKLY!1.Compare the number of cells that result from meiosis and mitosis.2.How does the genetic content of cells resulting from mitosis and meiosis differ?3,Comparing and Contrasing Describe a siimilarity and a 英语翻译请问有些国外的著作,有时怎么内容差不多,但是书名和目录确有很大的不同了?还有一些著作,为什么在国内的翻译和国外原著在书名和目录上有很大的出入,那么内容也被改了吗? 可乐鸡翅家常做法?一定要甜口的可乐鸡翅具体怎么做,要甜口的啊 That is not his eraser用bi动词的缩略式改写下列句子 That_____(不是)his pencil.It is______(he)eraser.That schoolbag is______(he).This is my dictionary.It's______(I) This eraser is______(she).Is that ruler_______(your)?The green ruler is________(Mike). 法语很简单,用法语,怎么说? eraser,that,is,not,her,it,is,and mine造句 改写宾语从句what does Mike think of the festival (i want to know ) I just want to let you know what I think of you 有什么好的建议吗? 怎样才能学得好点阿? 有没有一个句型 say sb to do sth 急 say sth to sb,用这个句型sth还可以用哪些词,如:say thanks to sb 有sb.say to do 这个句型吗 Those two only had each other!怎么翻译? say sth to sb 造句 意思 10月24日《动感英语》中的《Show Time》中“装得像模像样”用英语怎么说? This time I thought that i would do just what you told me to show how stupid your orders always are前面的This time I thought that i would do just what you told me to show how stupid your orders always are 中文译怎么解释 句子中是不是 What a funny time ______to the radio show!填什么 Learn to appreciate what you HAVE,before time makes you appreciate what you HAD.这句话的 主语是什么?what you have 是什么成分?是宾语从句?还是什么?what可以引导宾语从句吗? You are the only one to me! If You Could See Me Now 哪位大神有啊 我想拿做空间音乐 谢谢谢谢 谁能给下啊 表达能力不行. 是clean the room up,还是clean up the room t.a.t.u的can you see me now 的链接要可以放在空间里当背景音乐的链接里没有省略号额,30 minutes 的确很好听,可是最近很喜欢这首 you may use the room as you like _you clean it up afterwordsA as for as B as long as C in case D even if You may use the room as you like ———you clean it up afterward.A.so far as B.so long as C.in case D.even if是要具体解释,与整个句子的意思. 数学高二假期作业2第5题,请详细回答,谢谢!