
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:07:34
My sister is a ___girl and she studies ___at school.Ahard:hard-working Bhard workingMy sister is a ___girl and she studies ___at school.Ahard:hard-working Bhard working;hardly Chard-working;hard Dhard;word-hard My sister is a student.She 〔 〕in a school 完形填空My twin sister Colleen,and I are in the same school.she is my hero .she is smarter,(1)andmore athletic than me ,she also has an idea of what she wants to do in life .she is never late(2)school and hardly ever does (3)wrongly.It will be ha Lucy is in class4 grade7 .her school life is very _. she studies many subjects.she_ English,art ,用atall piay interest subject like favorite的词的正确形式填空 (y/6x²)²÷(–(y²/4x)) 6x²y+2yx²-4x²y= 已知关于x的一元二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0(a不=0)的两根之比为2:1,求证2b^2=9ac实在是搞不懂-- 麻烦 给解释下每步 或者其他方法由韦达定理得:x1+x2=-b/a 1式x1*x2=c/a 2式所以(x1+x2)^2=x1^2+2x1x2+x2^2=b^2/a^2 3式 函数f(x)=lnx-3/x的零点一定位于区间?A.(1,2) B.(2,3) C.(3,4) D(4, 已知关于X的一元二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的两根之比为2:1,求证:2b^2=9ac 列数字的作用要准确些的 3x²(x-y)+6x(y-x) 台球中击中白球但白球未击中任何球,白球可以任意放位置? y(x+y)-(2x+y)(x-y)-x的2次方,其中x=-2,y=2分之1(先化简,再求值)先化简,再求值 心理学家发现,学生的接受能力y与接受时间x分存在关系式y=-0.1x的平方+2.6x+43(0小于等于x小于等于30)其中y的值最大,表示接受能力越强.(1)当X在什么范围内时,学生的接受能力逐步提高?当x 如果B阳离子的氧化性比A阳离子的氧化性强,可以A比B的金属性强吗?为什么? 心理学家发现,学生对概念的接受能力y与提出概念所用的时间(单位:分钟)之间,满足关系式y=-0.1x2+2.6x+43,y的值越大,表示接受能力越强,则当x=()时,y达到最大值() 学生对概念的接受能力y与提出概念的时间x之间的关系式为y= -0.1X^2+2.6x+43(0≤ x ≤30),若要达到最强接受能力59.9,则需要多长时间 心理学家发现,学生对概念的接受能力Y与接收时间X存在关系式Y=-0.1X平方加2.6X加43(0小于等于X小于等于30第10min时,学生的接受能力是多少? every adult and every child 后面谓语动词用单数还是复数? every one的谓语是单数还是复数 every+名词单数时 后面的谓语用单数还是复数 完整点的!最好有全文 旅鼠之谜是指什么 怎样通过判断元素的金属性或非金属性强弱来比较物质的还原性或氧化性强弱 广告双关语论文“一夫当关,万夫莫开”(某种保险门的广告语)“风雨同舟”(某种风雨衣的广告语)“百年润发”(奥妮洗发水的广告语)“冬天里的一把火”(某种电暖器的广告“三十 英语翻译就是整个文章该怎么分成哪些章节,每个章节大概写什么,就是最好能弄成目录的那种形式哈,章节希望能够写出具体名字哈,不要大而化之的那种哈, 解释以下英语双关语的第二层意思.1、don't expect to eat something fancy when you're flying because it's plane food2、if you get sick at the airport it could be a terminal illness3、to write with a broken pencil is pointless 4、my mot children's day is not a usual day to every child用另一种说法说跪求 "Every time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead." every child has his own dreamEvery child has his own dream.Every child hopes to be an adult.However,is it truly like what they imagine?As a boy who lives in modern times and in a modern city,I feel greater pressure(压力) on me with the city’s dev 举几个英语里双关语(pun)的例子呗 child的复数为什么是children并且说明清楚