
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:42:46
英语翻译我没有分了,实在抱歉.世界真奇妙” 整句也顺便给翻译一下吧, 英语翻译应该是Never want to enjoy any other mountains after coming back wuyueNever want to enjoy any other rivers after coming back jiuzhaiNever want to enjoy any other villages after coming back wuyuan "Where is my pen?""I _____ it."A.might loseB.would have lostC.should have lostD.must have lost选择原因? Where is my pen?I_____it.(b)A.should have lost B.must have lost C.would have lost D.might lose为什么不是d? cater for 和provide for 的区别? 四川攀枝花今天下午四点30分发生6.1级地震, 今天晚上攀枝花还会地震么,情况如何?我听说今晚会很危险…… 不看不知道一看吓一跳由科学家 牛顿 先生亲笔起草 世界末日 已经定于2060年 祝你活到那时候! 动物能促进生态系统的物质循环体现在:动物直接或间接地以______为十,并将摄取的有机物变为______的物质.这些有机物在动物体内经过______,释放______,同时也产生______、______等物质,这些物质能 一个英语问题,不看不知道,一看吓一跳!8个英语谚语,帮我翻译下,急!急!急!加高分!1.There is a time and a place for everything2.The best go first3.Never speak ill of the dead4.Give credit where credit is due5.Old soldiers neve I have no arms but point right ,Ihave no feet but I must run.And I must stand on duty both dayboth day and night.If I stop.All will complain.What am I both feet on the ground?美国的俚语好像是common the popel on both s____ of the straits have a strong wish unite our motherland填空 英语时态的问题Our new English teacher, who is said to have moved back to China, _______in America for almost 10 years. A lived B. has lived C. was living D.had lived 答案选A,为什么不选C呢?过去进行时可以表示过去某 四川汶川地震还可能会引起攀枝花和西昌地震吗? go swimming和go to swim有什么不同? 根据给出的句子类型,把句子补充完整.例子:(表示转折):你去,我(不)去题:(表示条件):你去,我( )去 写句子,补充下面句子.如果我是清风,我将-------. 谁知道2010年英语专四答案 急求2010英语专四真题及答案 跪求2010年英语专四答案 2010年英语专四的答案什么时候能出来啊? 翻译:能够满足顾客需求的产品总是受欢迎的.(cater to) 2008年英语专四答案 please down at the earth beneath your feet.这里的down 似乎有动词的作用,但是我查了一下字典,down在做动词的时候好像“击倒、吞下”的意思,跟这里的语境语境难以符合啊 The Beowulf warriors have a foot in both Bronze and Iron Ages.这里have a foot We may swim in the indoor swimming pool no matter what's going on outside.这句前半句what's之前我还能看懂“我们在室内游泳一点问题都没有”但它又加上后面的半句我就糊涂了,虽然已经知道这句的意思是“ 如果现在去巴塞罗那,关于天气和气候方面合适吗,需要注意哪些? 巴塞罗那一年四季的准确气候我晓得巴塞是典型的地中海气候,冬暖夏凉,春秋湿润. 想要更形象点的.比如冬天穿得了羽绒服么.夏天最热有成都热么.春秋天. -Excuse me.I want to buy some stamps.Where can I find a post office?------ I know ______ not far from here.You can easily find ________.A.that; it B.it; one C.one; it D.the one; it答案是什么 为什么 Excuse me.I want to buy some milk.Where can I find a supermarket?--Oh,I know _________ noA.it B.that C.one He can speak English.的汉语意思是什么?