
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:15:24
do you like english grapes? Do you like English? Do you like you English What`s that over there?的答句 How beautiful girl she is 修改病句 1、_______________ 2、______________ There is a restaurant near here. (变There is a restaurant near here. (变一般疑问句,作否定回答) Is there a restaurant near here汉译 1.There is a restaurant near here.(变一般疑问句,作否定回答)2.The bank is (next to the post office.)(对括号部分提问)3.The park is in front of the zoo.(变同义句) 1.is there a restaurant near here?1.is there a restaurant near here?yes,there is.there’ one on washington street.2.is there a department store near here?yes,there is.there’one on hope street,on the hotel.这是整个的句子,怎么翻译中文 How do you like English?的回答,速求 经济危机对我家乡的影响的作文 1500字我家沈阳市 只是老师要求的一个作文 急求一篇“金融危机与我的.”为题的作文,要求从科学发展观的角度出发,1500字 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 英语老师的小作文用英语写 老师的外貌 Why do you like English? 连同成句:that,over,what,there,is,, coat、boar、boat、goat.四个单词中的oa读音不同的是? 字母oa组合发音如boat中的oa,至少10个 the number of classes in our school is___than____of any other school in jiangyinAlarger,the one Bmore,that Clarger,that Dmore,the one 地面指挥中心与飞船航天员通话是用什么波? 宇航员与飞船如何联系 Mary怎么读?MaryMandyMelodyMelissamirandanicole John怎么读 J.Mary该怎么读?我起的英文名.但不知道怎么读好 you can tell me what you do at home and email me翻译英文 Greyson Chance Can you tell us your email?thanck you = = 1.what____that over there?2.____a student.and you a teacher.3.____you jack?------no,i____not.4.what color the quilt?----it_____a map.以上用am.is.are填写 “神州”号飞船返回舱顺利到达地球后,为了及时将航天员救出,地面指挥中心在返回舱 神舟六号飞船返回地球时,为保护返回舱内宇航员及仪器的安全,在靠近地面时有两次减速过程,先是释放降落伞,使其速度由200m/s减少,下降3.9km,至距地面1.25m时速度降为31.6m/s,此时启动反冲火箭, I am away now,but will contact you later.中文意思 谁知道 I am away now,I will contact you later. we want a boy and a girl空 our school rock band