
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 05:46:57
this is the only room ____.这是唯一可用的房间 长江江豚就是河豚吗 月亮上的足迹阅读思考:1、本文着重记叙了一件什么事?作者写作本文的主要目的是什么?2、概括分析宇航员登月的全过程包括哪几个阶段?3、宇航员登月后做了几件事? 江豚能不能和海豚进行交配,生出一种既可以在淡水里游泳,又可以在海水里游泳的豚? I am only interested in doing noing.That is -----I am interested in.A only B the one C all D the only Eddie is only interested in [eat].In后填什么? I'm only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.请问在为什么要用sitting和doing,而不是sit和do? don't forget to call your parents when you stay out late thanks,i_____B.won't C.don't D.wouldn't答案选哪个,请根据BCD四个选项作具体解释说明don't forget to call your parents when you stay out latethanks, i_____ B.won't C.don' Don't forget to give my best wishes to your parents._________.A Yes,i do B.Yes,i won't c.OK,i will D.No,won't 给我讲讲!D.No,i won't Don't forget to give my test wishes to your parents.___A No,i won'tB Ok,I willC Yes,I won'tD Yes,I do 1---you go,don't forget your parents.A whenever B no matter where C wherever D both BandC You should call your parents after the school trip=You _____ _____ ____ call your parents after theschool trip.坐等啊 餐巾纸的英文 You are in my heart head princess.这句话的意思 英语翻译歌词如下.it's five days,you came a long long waybut I'm still sad,cause you never show me your faceyou tell me you have whelk,but I don't care about thisdon't you miss me honey,my little princess where you are packing away the flower you are my princess,my light in my life.神马意思 U are my princess,my kim tae hee是什么意思? 海豚是哪种生物进化而来的为什么会有这种说法 He speaks English well and he has the a____ to talk too the American teacher in English. 马桶里可以扔卫生纸吗 He speaks English well.. 以“A happy day”为题,写一篇英语作文 以《A Happy Day》为题的英语作文,10句左右是仁爱版初一水平的,急需!不要太难,初一上册的!作文中的单词也是仁爱版初一上册的!(少量单词可以不是)带上翻译! 求一篇 a happy day 的英语作文 I am not that prince who in the fairy tale story you love,but you are actually that princess who I Each of the girls are princess,Sorry,I'm not prince 英语作文,70词,A happy Day 急. it happened that i blabla.怎么换成带happened to的结构? 你对加强我国海洋建设有什么想法 你的加强国家海洋建设有什么看法? 谈谈你对我国海洋建设的看法(1500字以上)东职的顶起来!哈哈 你对海洋开不开发有没有什么想法或观点