
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 07:55:58
请问在My ideal is to make a special soldier of PLA中is后为什么要用不定式? 千钧一发,火烧眉毛,危在旦夕分别是什么意思 I am best like... 这种用法对吗?刚刚在一篇文章里看到 --Is swiming your favourite?--Yes.___swiming,boxing is the sports I am best at.A:As for B:Near to C:Apart from D:Regardless of I'm the study online parents in the study to sleep now I have to see you tomorrow kiss这句话的意思我同学问的 忙的笔顺怎么写 忙的笔顺是什么 忙的正确笔顺怎样写? 诸军事是什么意思 we’d better keep our door___at B.opened closed D.close 选择we have better keep our door_ at night .a open b opend c be closed d closed 维次空间与维度空间什么区别, 临沂属于七大流域的哪几个? 战国七雄的都城是什么 春秋时期秦桓公在位时秦国都城在哪儿啊…… 地理必修5 为什么七大江河流域是我国防洪和防止水土流失的重点? 离心喷雾干燥器的“总干燥强度,容积干燥系数,热利用率”的定义和计算公式.希望知道的烦请告知. 维度空间几个问题.在一维度与2维度可能存在生命吗?四维度中的时间轴是什么意思,他的作用和产生后的规则?我想确认一下难道时间轴就和我们的三次元一样多了一条 高 不要抄袭或者复制, 鳞次栉比对什么 鳞次栉比是什么意思? 把小时换算成天数的公式是什么? 鳞次栉比都能形容什么 出勤率的两个公式,1.=实际出勤天数/应出勤天数,2.=实际出勤人数/应出勤人数,这两个公式分别应用个人出勤率与工厂总出勤率计算方法一样吗,这两个公式是个人与总公 司出勤率的计算公式吗 My name is Paul Smith .This is my wife.And these are ()children,Dave and Anna. can children swim in this pool?Can children swim in this pool?YesAa.However,at no time _____ alone.Yes,however ,at no time ___ they do so alone..A.may B.need C.could D.should但我个人觉得C也 可以,理解为 他们决不能单独游泳为什么 child account 根据对话完成填空.英语.急.A:Oh,look.There's talent ( )on Saturday.Let's go and see.B:I can't go to a talent show.What ( ) I do?A:You can sing really( ).B:Oh!( ).But you can,too.A:Well,no.I can't sing at all but I an ( )the piano.B:So maybe be condemned to Man is condemned to be free.这是人生而平等She was an unhappy housewife condemned to spend hours at the kitchen sink .但字典一般只解释“被判处.”是不是有注定的意思? Man is condemned to be free. 谁能帮我列一个behaviors that should be condemned的提纲拜托各位大神 at the party,most children are___beautifullyAworn Bput on Cdressed up Dhas on 鳞次栉比什么意思