
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:06:37
任务性阅读, 请多给我一些关于初一下册的首字母填空和任务性阅读 炎热的炎右边加个耳刀读什么 上气下炎这个字怎么读是科学里N的那个字..上面是个气下面是个炎``给我拼音.. 炎黄的“炎”右边加一个“耳朵”是什么字啊.读什么音? 左边一个“炎”右边一个耳刀旁读什么? here are the notebook and the report that i promised you last week请问其中为什么要用are the,该句不是有一个last week,不是应该用过去式吗.请再帮我翻译一下 Here ( ) ring and necklace that I promised you last week.A.is the B.are the C.was the D.has been a I'd like to return this watch that I bought here last week.为什么要用that?可不可以不加that,或者改成what Last week you lost my dictionary and l was so angry that l argued with you.是啥意思? permit sb.to do 是这个用法吗 missing 与lost区别 lost和missing之间的区别是什么啊? lost和missing的区别有的时候做题目,会要在lost和missing之中选择一个选项的,请问这个时候会有什么区别呢谢谢啊,那么有the missing boy的,有没有the lost boy呢? is lost与has lost的区别,如:---Mum,I found my book_______.---Oh,you can get another one,But you must be careful next time.A.lose B.lost C.has lost D.is lost为什么选D?has lost 与is lost有何区别? 语文课堂5分钟展示小故事等,要有哲理的老师把课堂每天留出5分钟,要我们轮班讲故事,能阐述哲理的,或是词语辨析等能丰富知识的,我想要一点出奇制胜的质料,简洁,易懂,有趣,有 圣诞的英文要怎么写 求造句【虚拟语气】用虚拟语气造句~【过去】【现在】【将来】都要【各五句】..共15句,内容积极向上即可 虚拟语气造句!用虚拟语气早四个不同的简单句 用虚拟语气造句(与现在事实相反)motorists speeding on highways ,more traffic accidents reportedif........ L've been to shanghai twice(对TWICE提问) ( )( ) ( )have you been to shanghai? he has from the shanghai last year哪里错了 英语高级句式 英语高级句式求助!两年前我的家乡遭遇洪水灾害,居民财产被洪水吞没.用高级句式如何翻译? 英语翻译 “升”这个字怎么读,急急急!谢谢是 这 个 字 “ 升” , he __(read)the norel twice. how were the people?怎么回答? 一、排序1.nothing / the / he/supermarket/bought / in2.yourself / did/ buy / what / yesterday / you /for3.keep / class / to /everyone / has / in/ a /our/diary4.do/nothing /there/ sleep /is/ to /but5.excited/ seemed/be.my/afternoon/ grandma / to /t 老友记短语求老友记中常用的短语,俚语还有解释.学英语用.我的qq 562455798 He has been__ the book since last September.A writing on B working on C writing at D working at选哪个,原因是? She ___me only twice since last yearA.sees B.was seeing Chas seen D.hevaseen