
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:29:58
in one's try one's best同义词He tried his best to help us.He ( ) ( )he could to help us可以讲下原因么, hold sb.in one's powerhold sb in one's one in five people的同义词 提建议的句子 翻译成汉语是什么 急等 1、孔子的思想精髓存在于 (30.00分)A.论语B.六经C.四书D.五经2、禅宗的第一义谛是 (30.00分)A.不可言说B.道可道,非常道C.可以言说D.名可名,非常名判断题(40分)1、中国人的思维特点是 昭君出塞前呼韩邪单于的哥哥究竟是哪位? 孔子与老子的思想精髓是什么又有何本质的区别?对我国科学技术的发展有何影响? Do you the only chlid in your family?哪错了 My brother drinks< >juice every day.He likes it < > 应该填什么?有四个选项 A.a lot ; a lot B.a lot of ; a lot of C.a lot ; a lot of D.a lot of ; a lot I am in Grade 7 对7提问急啊 What grade am I 可以用哪些词语和名言来体现孔子的教学思想, I am in( Class 1,Grade 2).画线提问. I am from five grade five class怎么读 I am a student in Grade five. 划线 in Grade five 提问,怎么做啊? who likes cooking in your family 加上怎么回答 1.The farmer saw _____ in the sky.A.something strange B.strange something C.anything strange D.strange anything2.Hurry up.There is _____ time left.A.little B.a few C.a little D.few the three fishermen saw strange something the lake last week改错 改错How dangerous animals!They turned around and saw unusual nothing.This clever dog saved two改错How dangerous animals!They turned around and saw unusual nothing.This clever dog saved two policeman lives 孔子庄子老子这3位看人的方法,翻译要明确. when they walked____ the park,they saw something strange there.A.around B about 选哪个为什么 根据意思和句首字母补全单词miss liu is very friendly to us.she is l__ a friend to me Write a diary中文意思是什么? Write a diary怎么读 what's turned all of this around怎么翻译 英语翻译“警察先生.还记得几个月前在[]火车后面的一家中国按摩店发生的一起伤人案吗.凶手是个有黑社会背景的中国人.他的体貌特征是长发身高175.体重大约80公斤.他的住址是[]” 为什么元素化合价的变化与原子最外层电子的转移有关? He looked around but saw nothing.我是说这句英语改同义句... I _____around , ____found nothing .A.looked,out B.look ,but C.looked ,or D.loojed,and错了,D选项是:looked ,andA是:looked ,but真抱歉! the boy looked the sky,but he saw nothing 改错 share sb.sth是否等于share sth.with sb.