
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:10:39
200.06元读作多少元 甲乙两人用同样的速度,同时开始读数,甲从110开始,向前每隔2读一个数(即他110,112,114...)而B从953开始,向后每隔5读一个数(即读953,948,943...),则他们同时说出的两个最接近的数之差为多少 Match the words inBos 1 with the words inBox 2to make phrases.1 buying calling drinking driving eating enjoying going gaving leaving lying saying shopping taking talking waiting for watching writing.2 a ballet a bus/train acoffee adrink in a pub a ho 珍稀植物 请高手帮忙做几道英语试题,Ⅰ.Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on thⅠ.Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right. 如何保护我国珍稀植物尽量用简炼语言概括怎样保护我国的珍稀植物(50字内) Find words and phrases in My New Teachers that match the definitions below .1.how someone seems to you the first time you meet them ____2.in the wrong way ____3.be brave enough to do something 4.move your hand through the air 5.handsome 我国珍稀植物是什么一级 我国的珍稀植物有哪些我国的珍稀动植物有哪些 把棱长为30cm的正方体钢坯,锻造成宽为15cm,高为9cm的长方体钢条,它的长是多少厘米?用方程。 把棱长为30cm的正方体钢坯,锻造成宽为15cm,高为9cm的长方体钢条,它的长是多少厘米?(列方程解答) 把棱长20厘米的正方体钢坯,锻造成宽10厘米,高5厘米的长方体钢条,它的长是多少厘米? 把棱长20厘米的正方体钢坯,锻造成宽10厘米,高为15厘米的长方体钢条,它的长是多少厘米? 把一块棱长10厘米的正方体钢坯,锻造成宽5厘米,高4厘米的长方体钢条,钢条的长是多少?怎么列算式? Fill in the blanks fill in the RT 英文中 75,000 怎么读60%呢 75.000用百万怎么读啊?打错了下,是75,000 Fill in the 75.00 百万怎么读 fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the table.是什么意思?是用表格里的词在空白处填空吗?我想要正确答案啊 Fill in the blanks with the words1.What will _________to her now?2.We had a lot of_________finding the book you wanted.3.Our bus just passed _________the tunnel.4.Be careful when you step_________the ferry.5.The customer was having an _________ with 列举我国特有的几种珍稀动物(急!)属于鱼纲的有 属于两栖的有属于鸟纲的有属于爬行纲的有属于哺乳纲的有 家里最近想买一台液压榨油机,主要是榨芝麻香油用的,不知道买哪个牌子的好? 哪个牌子的榨油机好用?花生,菜籽,葵花一般都冷榨还是热榨,有什么区别? 请问这个数 60 000 000 000 是多少?请说明基本原理及其公式谢谢 If you can read the words with pictures,tick then. can you m---the pictures with the new words,boys and girls?怎么填空 "If you can read the words with pictures,tick them"中文意思 谁知道长沙哪有油菜籽、榨油用花生批发?长沙那有油菜籽、装油的壶、榨油用的花生批发? Can you_______(打印)the picture with the words M___ the words with the pictures.