
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 04:07:31
He is a tourist.(变成疑问句) my()name is zhou peng Her name is (Zhou pei).括号提问 专心致志、无拘无束、轻松自如是描写人物神态的词吗?为什么? 耀武扬威是形容神态的还是品质的 耀武扬威是描写人物品质还是神态? 古诗鉴赏炼字炼句需要结合上下文分析吗? 耀武扬威是描写人品质的还是神态的? 精卫填海的愿望能实现吗?说出你的看法. 耀武扬威、摇旗呐喊是描写神态的词语吗? ______neither you nor he like baseball A does B are C do D is 古代烹煮用的圆形三足两耳的器物是 Todag is my birthday中文意思 那么I dislike apples,neither does 后面的倒装用的对吗 我国古代有许多炼字炼句的故事,请你收集整理一篇,写在下面 要在中国汕头的. training in nursing是什么意思 盛世三国好玩吗 哪个盛世三国好玩 翻译:英国毫无疑问在船舶融资海事保险海事诉讼及仲裁航运信息咨询等一系列航运高端领域是世界航运中心. 以下3个矛盾:1.man against his enrironment 2.man against man 3.man against himself.写120词英语作文内容包括:如何理解这三个矛盾?哪个最麻烦?为什么这个最麻烦?请问如何构思写作最好? 地狱少女三鼎为什么后来柚姬成了地狱少女,小爱到哪里去了撒?实在是懒得看了. 用微笑带过冷彻心扉的丢弃 英语怎么写 地狱少女第二季第二集是什么意思 盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也 “卒”的意思 “逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也.”的意思是什么? 盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也中"彼"的意思..急.. 逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也.前写长江 后写明月? 英语翻译1.she is sitting u____ the tree2.what a___the dog?3.sorry,i don it hear clearly.I beg your p___4.the dog is running a___ the grass5.the cat is d____its milk6.Tim is s___the pencil7.Jone is w___his family8.the children are swimming a____th 英语翻译1.Grey and Taylor are hard-working m____2.What is the m____,Jack3.Sit d____,please.4.Are you all r____now?5.Who is that man?That is Richards.He is our office a____6.Come and m____our employees?7.Those girls are very busy.They are sale r__ 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译Anne's sister Margot wasvery( )that the family had to move.However,she knew that she had got to( )all the difficulties with her family.She found it difficult to settle and( )in the hiding place,becase she was( )wheter they would be discov