
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 03:33:48
英语翻译翻译成英文 Hold well you 有哪些蹄类动物是吃素的? 求三个歇后语!动物类. 要求写一篇1000字英文的essay. 要求写一篇1000字英文的essay 但是之前需要先交一篇draftdraft是什么怎么写?哪个好心人能给我说说不那这个draft大概要多少字啊 I didn't tell Jim the good news.Oh,you(ought to have),为什么是ought to have,是非谓语动词里的a.ought b.ought to C.ought to having D.ought to have 沉( )落( )(动物成语) 英语周报第39期答案人教课标版浙江专版、高一、第39期(2009——2010)拜托了! 西班牙语mentira什么意思 英语周报第39期答案答案绝不是作弊用,有的请速度告知. 西班牙语中 No importa是什么意思?RT How was your summer holiday?A Quite well B That's right C Pretty good为什么不选A而选 C 工作稳定,不用长期出差或驻外地 英语怎么说翻译呀 不要词霸直接翻译 驻外分公司 英语怎么说?不是国外,在同一个国家,是公司以外 在做了一些"准备工作"后,这里的"准备工作"用英语怎么说? “我在考虑我们准备做什么工作”用英语怎么说?填空题的:I'm___ ___what job we are going to do(一空一词) 英语翻译2我们吵架以后他一直躲着我.翻译成After we quarrel he has been avoiding me.3他一点也不了解我的工作性质.翻译成He little relize the nature of my work.4But today help could be brought quickly and easily to many o 怎么回答ought的一般疑问句?是,yes,she ought to .还是 yes she ought? ought to 的反义疑问句是什么,求指教〜He ought to dismiss the unqualified employees under his supervision , ____?应该填shouldn't he 还是oughtn't he ? 以及原因是什么?谢谢啦 ought to反意疑问句和否定句及回答 请翻译If you wanted to play any sport in Philly, you saw Eddie Gottlieb. she says she( )the novel several times this yeshe says she( )the novel several times this yearA.is reading B.had read C.has been reading D.has read说出原因, 英文歌to lei有个外国男歌手唱的..我只是大概的记得一段歌曲..好像是唱 (涂 雷:山寨翻译)to lei吧...是一个男的唱的..里面没有女歌手~ 您有葡语或西班牙语的流行歌曲吗?可不可以与偶分享!正所谓独乐乐不如众乐乐!麻烦您发到邮箱DENG3453... spending a year of full-time listening to BBC ...spending a year of full-time listening to BBC cansurpass the barrier of English listening? sandwich degree ought 疑问句的否定回答是 No,you oughtn't ought to的否定行式 it's generally not as bad up here as it is down in NEW YORK. You have left the computer on ,Ted?Oh,_______ ,I'll go and turn it off.A so I haveB so does he C nor have ID so Jane has这题为什么选A呢? 反义疑问句shoule we 和ought to we 都行吗?