
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 19:06:31
翻译这个视频,中英文都要http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQwOTUxNzI=.html不要有漏掉,质量高点,机器翻译就别来了 after&before我想问一下AFTER&BEFORE是否都作介词,一般情况下后面若加动词都用现在分词形式?那么还有其他情况吗,我见过好多地方后面也加动词原形的,e.g.:我的MITSUBISHI PENCIL笔盖上面就写着RECAP AF 什么电影学英语比较好,想用中英文剧本模仿练习. 郭沫若诗两首分别描述了什么画面 娓娓动听的造句 诗歌《在山的那边》节奏怎么划? 一个词的疑惑为啥词典上没有“绵厚”这个词? 多一个词的疑惑?The writer study art and paint a lot of pictures.加一个词可以吗?The writer study art and he paint a lot of pictures.哪个对?还是两个都可以?and 后面必须要加完整句子吗? 我敬佩的一个人500字怎么写格式 Memei hates to listen to rock music (改为同义句) 选择正确的答案.1.What can you see on the wall?A:I can clean the classroom.B:I can see a mirror.2.What can you do at home?A:Sorry,I can't.B:I can make the bed.3:What's your favourite vegetable?A:Green beans.B:Fish.4.Are there a I can see _______"U"_______"R"________"S" on the wall. are you interested in()(listen)to music?yes,i a you can see a large signalon the wall:_________A long lives the PRCB long live the PRC为什么不选B啊? can you see the hole in the wail?)RT.. 向右拐,你能看见一个宾馆.______ ______ ______you can see a hole.快 he could be running for exercise分析一下句子结构 特别是could be running It is wiser being good than bad;请详细分析一下句子结构、成分! It can never be too good是什么意思 The music is very fun.改成感叹句 我要一个用英文做会议记录的大概的模板,格式.就是大概的参加人,时间,地点,内容,等等.不管什么会议记录都会有的大概的一个轮廓 英文 会议 通知 电子邮件格式.能给个例子吗?带解释更好. 跪求英语请假条、E-mail模板… people poor at one thing can be good at Only love can be.! only unfulfilled love can be romantic Love for you can only be buried in his heart .怎么翻译 she usualiy shops wish her mother on sundays同义句she with her usually ----- ----- ----- on sundayshe with her mother usually ----- ----- ----- on sundays 少打一个单词 通过人工方法首次合成的有机物是什么谢谢了, 通过人工方法首次合成的有机物是什么拜托了各位 谢谢 能这样说吗?I can see that the picture is on the wall. ABCC式的词(四个)急