
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:05:10
英语翻译文章也可以,见谅! 英语翻译一1.The boy was worried because he did not catch the cat .2.The playmate hit the vase with his arm.3."Playmate"means here a child who plays with him.4.The boy's father praised him.5.The story tells us not to tell a lie when you did somet It is said that she is born___(lead).并翻译填完词之后的句子意思 英语句子改错 It was said that that was all what he said .哪里错了?怎么改 ______ is some doubt that ……[A.There B.it]并说明原因谢谢 it is said that 81% of the ...It is said that 81%of the ten year old girls ____(已经节食)at least once in the US. Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science这里的there is 可以写成there are么因为a great deal 是大量的意思. Some people think that the islanders used large strong wooden tools,but there is notenough evidence to prove.这个句子是什么句,为什么but前面要加逗号呢?它不是连词吗? 英语短语(常用的) 有没有这一类的短语?我需要一些. 例: it is said that it英语短语(常用的) 有没有这一类的短语?我需要一些.例:it is said thatit is reported thatit is a wonder that 英文标题有无标点符号 英语翻译从前我不知道什么叫爱,直到我幸运地遇到了一个女孩,她的美丽和善良,深深地吸引了我,我非常想让她做我的女朋友,但是不知道她愿不愿意 你管着吗 把它翻译成英文.带标点符号的 造句:There is going to be+名单+地点+将来时 -----there------some people to the meeting tomorrow? a.Is;be b.Will;be c.Will;is d.Is;going to这题怎么做 There are going to have to be some big t_______. there be 句型将来时用be going to 表示例如There (be)several tests in the following three weeks.的空白处应该填is going to be 还是are going to be there be 结构的将来时如果用be going to 表示,何时用There are going to be? 英语数字什么时候要用AND?什么时候要用连字符号?序数词呢? 英文状态下符号“~”怎么打?"在中间 Some bread_ over there用is还是areSome bread_ over there.用is还是are?These two pieces of bread __________over there.(be) 用is还是are? Are there some girls over there?哪里错了 There are some sweets over there.变成一般过去时. 一、补全对话.A:Look!(1)_____are some boats over there一、补全对话.A:Look!(1)_____are some boats over there on the lake.B:(2)_____(3)_____are there?A:Let me count.Oh,there(4)_____five.B:Look,there(5)_____some children in the boats.A:How ma 补全对话 A:Look! ______ are some boats over there in the lake. B:_____ ______ are there?A:Let me count. oh, there _______ five.B:Look, there______ some children in the boats.A:How many boys_______ ________? 根据中文音译成英文名中文名白龙,帮忙音译成英文的, 给朋友起个英文名要有中文音译起一个英文名,要给出中文音译读法.名字的含义是:可爱的小精灵 有哪些符号可以代表 “and”如题 为什么"&"这个符号表示"and"?我倒!!!~~~~2楼的,我服了你了~~~~吐血中...... 表示and的符号&是怎么来的 各位帮我起个英文名吧.最好读音差不多的.名字是jiang yi ning.J E N 开头的都可以.像麦浚龙的英文名读音就很相近Juno.或者有其中一个读音也行.不要复制一大堆英文名过来!起的好的追加分.女的 我想求一个读音和“夏”差不多的英文名嗯我很喜欢夏的不单单因为我的网名有夏字我喜欢那个英文名可以给我像中文式的读法不知道也可以给我音标希望那个名字可以像Zoe一样有气魄~ 我想找个读音跟我名字差不多的英文名我叫姚轩明`跟轩明读音差不多的`英文名```