
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 07:21:47
我相信他是一个诚实的孩子.I believe ( ) ( ) ( ) an honest boy. 秦王为何要用五百里地易安陵? One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads,see how the farms looked,and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living.The city man saw a farmer in his yard,holding a pig up in his hands,and lifting i a day 什么意思 校园保安的心得体会怎么写 ,写什么内容 just like a fiah 课文上出现 David comes from( ) European country and he is ( ) honest boy A.an a B.a an C.the an 答案为什么选B David comes from_European country and he is_ honest boy.第二个空最高级前不是要填the吗?怎么答案是an呢? 帮助划分句子成分I have just been to Shanghai 水稻缺钾与胡麻斑病的区别是什么 we ---goo to the supermakerket last week.A.didn't B.aren't C.don't 和平共处五项原则的现实意义 英语附和练习题 像 I have been to shanghai 附和 so have I 纯碱在面包里的作用 英语:这里为什么要用have beenfor men accustomed to sleeping between fine linen sheets at home,the change to the Alps must have been very hard 对于喜欢了睡亚麻床单的人来说来到阿尔俾斯山区生活一定很艰难 The boy is honest.改成感叹句怎么改? ( )honest boy!改成感叹句 1.peter runs fast 2.peter is a good boy 变感叹句 KMNO4 MNO2 K2MNO4哪个溶于水如题 加拿大荷斯坦奶牛与我国黄牛是同一物种吗,为什么? 关于中心体(高难度)寻找生物精英 中心体含有两个中心粒,这两个中心粒相互垂直排列.为什么它们会垂直排列?这样排列的作用是什么?我是高中生,对它们这种排列方式很好奇,但找了很 黄磊和文章长得像吗? 文章和黄磊谁文谁武啊? 黄磊和文章有一起合作过吗 文章是黄磊吗? 黄磊和文章怎么这么像我还是喜欢文章,虽然年龄小但是却成熟,不过他们俩怎么这么像啊?还都是新好男人 英语翻译1.Fill in the blanks with a question tag2.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given3.Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition4.Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun5.Fill in the blanks with an 请问.高猛酸甲稀冷溶剂的保存期是多久? 高猛酸甲和乙醇互容吗? the mms you are trying to download is no longer available的汉语是什么意思 世界共有几大人种? 下载好几遍了都是一个反应 the installer you are trying to use is corrupted orincomplete.之类的话什么这是咋了么?郁闷死了,都下载好几遍了.急