
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:11:05
大连学英语口语去哪里好?我去过韦伯,但是我不喜欢他们那里人的态度,我想即使报名了也好不到哪去 quiet与queit分别是什么意思啊,而且仔细解释一下每一个词 请问elder可修饰名词吗? you should b-- a present for Allen on his birthday.填bought还是buy?句中能看出是过去时态吗?如果是将来时态就应该是you should buy a present for Allen for his birthday.风唱梵音 but 和though请问but和though的用法和意思上面有什么不同 He seemed to have___ his cigarettes.A.take offB.give up The foreigner seemed his way.A.to be losing B.to have missed C.to have lost D.missed quiet 怎么读 I was a quiet girl怎么读 study的现在分词加ing的. Alone这个英语单词是什么意思? The old man was glad to see the tree so well. A.to grow B.to growing C.growing D.growThe old man was glad to see the tree so well. A.to grow B.to growing C.growing Alexander was born _____ the night of May 5th.A.from B.in C.at D.on 英语翻译在互联网使用中,有些人使用过一段时间后又不使用了,文章中用drop-outs来定义这种人,请问这个单词怎么翻译恰当? I am freenow,if you what to see me ,you can come at your convenience If you ___free this weekend,please come to see me We can often see planes__in the sky.A:flying B:to fly C:flew D:will fly选哪个 为什么选啊? 现在很多飞机可以以超声速飞行Now many planes can fly______sound Enumerate 4 Basic Math Operation and labelists part是指什么同上 name nice to meet too youname nice to meet too your ms his and her yes she he no not这些用中文怎么读不要中文意思 Wait your menstruation like,I come over to see you! 分别举出社会主义成功的例子和资本主义成功的例子. 谁知道社会主义和资本主义的区别.举个例子. 在下列句子中填入“看”的同义词.1、小外甥调皮地朝我眨了眨眼睛,又仰起头( )着天上的月亮出神.2、我久久( )着太阳消失的地方,轻轻地展开了幻想的翅膀.3、我们( )着海面,等待海 经验的同义词是什么 有人能告诉我卷积和、卷积积分的物理意义,诸位!本人在上海交大里学习,但现在陷入了信号与系统里面的卷积困境,有人能救救我啊?卷积和、卷积积分的定义和利用、物理含义,这三个全都不 It is so t_________ of you to bring me an umbrella 经验的同义词是z开头的词 英语翻译 英语翻译变成神秘的动物­悄然逝去­深渊之谜 是女神的赠礼 吾等追寻飞去 彷徨摇曳心灵的水面 泛起轻微涟漪­君 是否即将飞去?即使 等待吾等所憎之世界的 唯独残酷的明朝 和逆卷 conditioner是什么意思 thickening conditioner是什么意思