
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:39:55
caxa如何画矩形 如果有一天…… 作文抓住一件事来写 我马上就要! 董事长,总经理,总裁与CEO有什么区别? 写一篇想象作文,题目为“如果有一天……”快………………………………@!450字啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 求一篇.以如果有一天为话题写一篇600字作文 He said the moon -------(turn) round the earth.我觉得应填turns,因为月亮绕地球转是客观事实你们觉得呢? Chen Xiang wondered where I have been 和 Li Lei said that the moon went round the earth 怎么改 Linda said the moon round the earthA travelled B has travelled Ctravells Dhad travelled 谁有人教版英语必修2的MP3听力材料,请发到我的邮箱18287489261@139.com, stand at table【急】翻译.不是stand at the table是stand at table.今天晚上必须得出答案. the house 【】【stand】at the. 英语翻译我吃了一顿很丰盛的午饭:饺子,牛肉面和番茄汤.下午我和我妈妈去购了物,我很开心.晚上我在家写作业,那很无聊但有用.主要是第一句,我的上周末 i'm afraid that she has some trouble ( ) the math problems.如题 A.working out B.to work out C.works out D.working hard选择前若能把每个选项的思考过程一同写上当然最好了.我一直徘徊在 一个句子只能有一个动词,哪 根据首字母补充下面句子 We e( ) our school life 用Our school life写作文自己手打 at a table 和at the table的区别?at table ,我知道是吃饭.He sat down____.为什么填 at a table.区别,说说两者区别。就是说,都是指再坐在桌子旁咯? at table,at the table怎么区别? 英语翻译a prototype fiber optic chandelier.Developed as an accent lighting piece,it uses fiber optic cables to form endless loops of light that are extended further by a reflective surface.Say the designers,"The light strands are woven into a vol 孔子过泰山侧,有妇人哭于墓者而哀.夫子式而听之,使子贡问之,曰:“子之哭也,壹似重有忧者.”而曰:“然.昔者吾舅死于虎,吾夫又死于虎焉,今吾子又死焉.”夫子曰:“何为不去也?”曰: at tale 和at the table的区别 “山”字泰语怎么发音? just floating along high中just是什么词,还有floating为什么要加ING形式 be at table 和 be at the table 的区别 和意思 19世纪70年代中国近代第一份商业性报纸 29.中国近代第一份商业性报纸是( )A.《大公报》B.《文汇报》C.《申报》D.《人民日报》 歌词好像有“just been .just been …”是什么名,杰克逊的. 这句话为什么要加been啊 there's obviously just been a little mistake. i geret that i divorced him.i___stupid.a.had just been b.was just been 选哪个为什么请给出详细解释写错了,应该是regret that double delicious,double your pleasure是关于什么的广告? 谁知道这里的"double your volume"什么意思啊?Provided we offer 30% discount to you, could you like to double your volume? If not, I would like to kick off 10% price to start an initial friendly cooperation between us. 听到一首英文歌,大概歌词是just body knew can take anymore...just body knew...just body knew大概歌词是just body knew can take anymore...just body knew...just body knew...i know..god got way from you,因为是在一个比较吵的场所 I _______that they were at the partyA found B remembered C forgot D heard