
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:05:40
短语翻译. 纠结ing...英语中的四,第四,十四,第十四,四十,第四十,九,第九,十九,第十九,九十,第纠结ing...英语中的四,第四,十四,第十四,四十,第四十,九,第九,十九,第十九,九十,第九十 分别怎么说?. you must accompany me to walk?not to want the present to reply me.I wait for you 已知过点A(0,1)和点B(4,a),且与x轴相切的圆只有一个,求a的值和此时圆的方程 语气亲 everything will be all right_____ This book is not easy __for me to readwould you please ()the message() bruce when we met we saud hello to each other() Amoment later MIke came back () a ba Read this part to me变同义句 还有几个也帮我一下吧:1:“Come with me”Mery says to me.直接引语变间接引语2:“I have just reached shanghai ”Jimmy says to his mother.直接变间接3:“Will Tom write a letter to me?” why don't some other people worry about text message什么意思 Don't try to make one boxer say bad words to the other.怎么译? ”钱是身外之物“用英语怎么说? 钱财是身外之物这句话用英语怎么说再给点其他有关钱的名言名句吧 到公园、旅游景点参观游览时,要爱护花草树木,爱护公共设施;爱护( );( )······ 怎样通过发音写出这个单词,也就是当你读到这个单词时,你就能写出来 peel off this mask take this work off you 关于 欧也妮·葛朗台谁能告诉我《欧也妮·葛朗台》的准确创作背景与解析? 《欧也妮.葛朗台》属于什么类型的书适不适合未成年人看啊? 欧也妮.葛朗台得英文写法 1.Her house is on Fifth Avenue.(对划线部分提问)(划线部分:Fifth) _____ ______ is her house on2.-Where are the apples.-I think they're in the b____.3.Don't sleep d___ the day.You'd better go out to do sports. 2010到底是不是世界末日是谣言还是真的 2010年是不是世界末日?人家都说2010年12月22日是世界末日,是真的吗? Sign through doors tell you where to go in or out.这里的through是什么意思?我认为它只有穿过通过的意思啊 一道英语选择题,Sighs on the doors tell you ( ) to go in or out.Sighs on the doors tell you ( ) to go in or out.A.which B.where C.why D.what 谁帮我讲讲啊?我总觉得是A 英语翻译BroadbandingAnother trend today is for employers to reduce their salary grades and ranges from 10 or more down to 3 or 5,a process called broadbanding.Broadbanding means collapsing salary grades and ranges into just a few wide levels or 英语翻译我国是一个农业大国,农产品总量居世界第一,而自从2001年加入WTO以来,我国农产品出口受到了很大的冲击,近几年来我国农产品出口增长速度逐年下降,而农产品进口增长却在迅速上升. 十月19日 翻译 Both Kaka and Ronaldo are the great Brazil soccer players这句话哪里错了? This boy is10 years old.That boy is10 years old,too.保持句意不变 The two boys are the ___ ___. 罗纳尔多 梅西 到底哪个更厉害? 函数 y=-kx与y=k/x(k不等于0)的图象的交点个数是几个?为什么、、、可是答案是没有交点、、 A healthy lifestyle is very important to us.是不是病句?如题. Having a healthy lifestyle is not difficultIs it not difficult —— —— (填空)a healthy lifestyle.