
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:16:44
怎样饲养中华鲟?一个湖北朋友给我带了一条家养的中华鲟,说是让我吃,我觉得怪好玩,想留在家里养,可是我为它面包,馒头,它都不吃,急死我了,怎么办呢?他两天都没吃东西了…… 怎样区分“耸立”“屹立”“伫立”“挺立”这些词语 he isn`t usually like it I usually like foods that has small that are used like arms usually 音标是什么? 一个圆形花坛周长是100.48m,在它里面留出八分之三的面积种花苗,种花苗的面积是多少? 英语翻译I don't really like the way I look in photos...I hope you like them more than I do. the definition of surveyCan somebody provide me with a clear definition of survey as a kind of research methods?THX a million.PS:The source should be attached if there is any. a definition of the word 和 a sence of the word 有区别吗 I said that the life leaves I too many false that 与much---Shall I help you carry your travel case to the train, Granny?---Oh, no, my boy. It is _____ heavy. Thank you anyway.A. so B. not much C. rather D. not that 三角形的重心有什么性质吖~(又是什么的交点呢?) sharpen the saw for many people on the way 谁有这个的准确定义the definition of complementary distribution语言学,不确定的不要写上来 sharpen的意思是什么? 惯用语sharpen the pencil a (内有例子)举例:So far my customer like your product so that is good!The problem is we need to sharpen the pencil a little.Once I receive the samples I have requested and we can get the price down I will be gi 定滑轮两侧挂两个质量不等的重物.两个重物都运动.我觉得2个物体A B,对于轻物体A,受的力就是B-A.而对于B 受力一样.知识方向相反.这样加速度就不等了 但同是一根绳子 应该相等.我哪分析错 三角形的中心是那三条线的交点 一本故事书,李明15天可以看完,而王芳看完这本书要比李明多3天,已知李明每天比王芳多看4页,这本故事书有多少页?在线等,要步骤. 检验氢氧化钠溶液和石灰水通常用---和可溶性---盐.化学方程式----- --------检验稀盐酸和稀硫酸通常用----和可溶性------盐,一般不用----.化学方程式:------- -------- Why did the Europeans call the First Nation people Indians?我要的是中文回答,不是英文回答!再强调一遍,1是英文 licence agreement是什么意思 term-loan-facility-agreement是什么意思 can't find end user licence agreement a licence什么意思 Invalid licence是什么意思?我是在按程序安装GTP6.0之后打开软件看见的这个题目,出现了一个框框Invalid licence.Please check that you didn't mispelled your userid/keyid. Would you like ____ bananasA.another B any more C some more D one more It is getting warmer and warmer中is是连系动词吗?表示状态或特征的be不是不能用于进行时吗?急!求高手,助动词be怎么能加系动词get呢? It's getting ___________now. A.warmer and warmer B.warm and warm C.the warmer and warmer Q:Why is it getting warmer and warmer these years?A:It's saidQ:Why is it getting warmer and warmer these years?A:It's said that's greenhouse effect .Scientists______(study) the global warming these years,but ____(not solve)it yet .Q:The snow _____(st GPS有多少颗卫星