
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:03:16
学校锅铲房原存有大小两堆煤,共重24吨,在小煤堆上又加入4吨,从大堆煤里用去四分之一后,两堆煤的重量相等,大小两堆煤原来各重多少吨? 代数式2分之X-1+X与X+2的值互为相反数,则X= The age of the selfie是什么意思 已知椭圆x^2/16+y^2/9=1,求其内接矩形周长的最大值,及此时矩形顶点坐标为什么会很敏感的设sin cos呢?题目里有什么信息吗 请问哪个发音比较好听 Charles Vincent Joseph Jame请问哪个发音比较好听Charles Vincent Joseph James Henry Martin Mark Bill Andy Alan Allen Gary Will 求椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的内接矩形的面积及周长的最大值 不用参数方程解 怎么解 英语老师怎样才能上好一节复习课? Lead Exposure什么意思The interaction of lead exposure and arylsulfatase A genotype affects sulfatide catabolism in human fibroblasts我刚开始看, the exposure of another madoffcreg 西域三十六国主要是哪几个国家? Who is the president of America now?A.George W·BushB.Washington.C.Bill Gates.D.Bill Clinton.各个英语爱好者,帮帮慧慧 不等数1/4(x-7)〈2/9-x 求正整数的个数 一艘过河的船,船头垂直于河岸行驶时,出发后10min到达出发点对岸下游120m处;若船头和对岸保持夹角为a行驶,经过12.5min后到达河对岸.求:⑴船在静水中的速度;⑵河宽;⑶夹角a. 英语翻译compared with almost twice this number in Northern Ireland and Scotland.twice this number in Northern Ireland and Scotland前面少了一个北爱尔兰和苏格兰的数值名词吧?应该是北爱尔兰和苏格兰是威尔士13% 的两 根据首字母填写单词:The judges a____ the first prize to her for her picture THE CASTLE PENGUIN MODERN CLASSICS怎么样 THE MOONSTONE MODERN LIBRARY CLASSICS怎么样 “西域内属,有三十六国”的主要原因是什么?【急】! Yet in so doing they will be getting the same level of exposure! THE RAINBOW MODERN LIBRARY CLASSICS怎么样 THE RAINBOW PENGUIN MODERN CLASSICS怎么样 THE MASTER AND MARGARITA MODERN CLASSICS怎么样 5个数前3个的平均数是x后两个的平均数是y,x和y的平均数是16.5它比五个数的平均数小0.5,问:x是()y是(快答! 以The Dragon Boat Festival 为题,写一篇70词左右的短文1.端午节是中国一个重要的传统节日,它一般在六月份.多数中国家庭都庆祝这个节日.2.人们和家人或朋友聚在一起吃饭.通常人们都会吃一些特 The unexamined life is not worth living意思? Is that his ring( ) the lost and found case? C.on回答回答要回答啊,有经验的哦,回答的对,我会给你们经验 get out of get rid of 区别 of,get rid of,和be rid of的区别和用法, 速求关于Should children get paid for doing chores?的观点,2分钟左右,还有Should children choose if they wear the school uniform?要求同上 What can/should parents and children do to help build positive family relationships?例如:Parents can/should try to be more understanding + Children can/should spend time talking with parents.需要5个 Is this ring red.(作否定句) 化简cosX +sin X) /(cosX -sinX)