
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 21:27:23
什么是移动里面的MISC请通俗一点 请问:手机中有项业务叫MISC的那是什么意思? The speaker ________ his notes before the lecture.A) ran downB) ran intoC) ran outD) ran over This is a good order of the city中文是什么意思 _a good many hotels and restaurants have been built in the city of Tianjinb.In the past ten years d.During the past ten years 为何选b b,d有何区别 ______is one of good properties of this metal.A:Light in weight B:Having been light in weightC:Be light in weight D:Being light in weight我知道缺主语...好的追分...我不知道什么原因... Mainframe computers were very large indeed,often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms,employing full-time technicians and run on specially-writtten software.这个句子里occupying employing run 都做Mainframe的定语..为什么前两个是现在 the ( ) computers were invented in 1976? The schools would seem very impersonal were all the computers to replace human teachers.谁帮我解剖一下这个句子,我完全看不懂. We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best professor in the collegeA.whatever B.whomeverC.whichever C.whoever选啥.原因.. 急求一分钟的英语演讲稿,speech...内容随便.要吸引人.(明星啊,友谊啊,等等等等)时间是1分钟之内.我在这里先谢谢了. 求一份Speech演讲稿TOPIC:why do people commit crimes?what cause especially important?why?一分钟左右 the professor wandered from the subject of his speech.懂的请自己翻译帮帮我哦.我不需要网页上的翻译.都不准确的 哪些中国儿女为祖国抛头颅洒热血 speech有演讲稿的意思吗? contingency Contingency tables是什么意思 请问德语小舌音在,比如kart的r怎么发? 孢子生物阶段盟友怎么变群落? 德语中辅音r在什么位置需要发小舌音学德语没多久 想问下这个辅音r 在哪个位置发小舌音 一直觉得奇怪的是 比如:Frankfurt这个单词 听单词的录音和老师发都只是在Frank 中的r在发小舌音 而 什么是菌丝和孢子,有何意义 participation的中文意思是什么? I`ll send you a photo of him if you like ,and I could show you how he helps me too one day. 请问when you were gone 是什么意思这个句子的语法通吗,即就是对的还是错的 孢子的出现对微生物有什么意义? 脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳 裳(这个字怎么念,是念shang 还是 chang?) 为什么? 脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳用了什么修辞 When you were gone 姚明MV的视频谁有? 艾薇儿的 Inocence和when you were gone分别是什么风格?谁知道还有没有类似这两首歌风格的艾薇儿的歌 Gone _________ when we were poorA are the days B were there days为什么选择A呢? 不因为是过去时吗? 怎么翻译 英语翻译RT 川端康成川端康成的好在哪里 "已是凌晨四点多 看海棠花未眠"又为什么那么震撼人的心?