
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:59:00
英语翻译保险由卖方按CIP发票金额的110%投保陆运一切险和海洋运输货物一切险.按中国保险条款有关陆上运输货物保险条款和海洋运输货物保险条款负责,包括战争险,按陆上运输货物战争条款 these are a apple 是不是一个句子 雅思作文从5复议到5.5的概率大吗?我小作文花了太多时间,以至于大作文字数没够,还差50字,但我字写的很大,考官还会挨个字查吗,而且我觉得我内容写的不错,在考虑要不要复议,我就需要那0.5 求英文名.含''jian''''yong''的谐音~不要搞一堆不相关的名字~谢谢~~~~~~~~~~~ 求取中文谐音英文名.男 中文名:jian qiao who were your first friends?friend 后为什么加s who ( )your best friends?A.was B.were C.is D.isn't 使用单数还是复数? 宫东风阅读基础密码全国阅读基础录像班密码 求宫东风上海阅读国庆班密码 and this newspaper believes that,as an insurance policy against a catastrophe that may never happand this newspaper believes that,as an insurance policy against a catastrophe that may never happen,the world needs to adjust its behaviour to try to ave This resembles an insurance policy so that the risks are transferred to the maintemance subcontr...This resembles an insurance policy so that the risks are transferred to the maintemance subcontractor.翻译成中文 大雁南飞为什么属于先天性行为而不是学习性行为? social-insu是什么保险呢 什么是Social_relationship_management? difficult to understand用一个英语单词替换应是什么, 巴西讲什么语言的人居多啊,平时都用什么语言交流?葡萄牙语吗? 请问巴西人为什么说葡萄牙语? We must talk (very softly) during the watch对划线部分提问 unemployment insurance benefit是什么? 求宫东风09年考验阅读新题型音频 It is difficult for people to understand his action; you can never ____ his thoughts.A study B learn C read D master 为什么选c呢 it is difficult to make myself(understand)in that place. If you want to keep fit,you should eat —— fresh fruit and vegetables.A.a lot B.plenty of C.much D.many说明原因. dinner是读“低呢”还是读“din呢”? dinner怎么读 I want to be as fit as you翻译 dinner怎么念 dinner怎么读 用汉字或拼音表示 I want to run and crying. I want to run and crying.是意思是不是‘我想哭着跑’.. 适当形式:Did you _water___ (water)the plants yesterday?为什么括号里要填water呢? Watch out for others. in front of you. Go around the person.Don’t go through him or her.