
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:07:59
制造混乱用英语怎么说?怎么翻译..make 开头的..初中的.. “制造这样的混乱”用英语怎么说 do you think men and women should be treated differently at work?why?大家用英语简单的谈谈自己的看法:) 我国的路上邻国中,哪个与广西接壤? 我国的陆地上邻国中,与广西接壤的是?11 我国陆上邻国中与广西相邻的东南亚国家是 and & or 都是并列的意思?and用于肯定句 or用于否定句或疑问句?那么or只能用于否定句和否定句吗.or除了并列还有其他什么意思?用法 以广西为起点,沿着陆上疆界,依次说出经过的省级行政的名称和简称及陆上邻国 翻译60个成语,并造句.60个比较生疏的成语. 我国邻国缅甸最主要的矿产是什么? 缅甸有什么矿产 缅甸矿珀和波罗地海琥珀有什么区别 求一篇英语作文,题目是已婚妇女应该工作吗?Should married women have a job?.120字左右, 英语高手请进 关于should student have a job?的辩论!我们的观点是student should not have a job,帮忙多想几个有利于我们的论点撒(要英文的哟), 翻译:Women should have an equal say in all affairs. 男女应该平等吗?-Should Men and Women Be Equal? 老挝的首都在哪里 英语翻译推荐几首你认为好听的歌 英文歌最好翻译成中文名 六级作文题目:For A Better Understanding Between Parent and Child 选择( ) a better understanding between.improve?increase?raise?promote? 我想知道希腊神话冰女神典伊的英文名字和正确发音. 为什么是between parents and the children,parents和children不是好几个人么?不用among? How do you think parents and their children can stay being friends?英文答 what do you think is the ideal relationship between parents and children ? 下面这个英语句子有没有语法或者其他问题?The number of people who send their kid to the artistic class is on the rise as the result of . There exist some misunderstanding between them.这个句子是正确的吗 我觉得exist应该加s吧 That从句开头什么时候用it什么时候用there?老师说 that前是名词时用there ,我That从句开头什么时候用it什么时候用there?老师说 that前是名词时用there ,我没怎么听懂, 什么时候用It be some time+since从句,什么时候用It be some time +that 从句 这个英语句子有没有语法问题we are have a good time a lot呢个 a lot 怎么这么别扭 这个英语句子对吗?有没有语法问题?There are lots of historical places of interest for people to savor the past and entertaining places for stylish people to enjoy their life. 英语与美式俚语有什么显著区别? 71:some experts are not surprised that 从句.这个that 从句在句中充当什么成份?some experts are not surprised that 从句.这个that 从句在句中充当什么成份?