
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:08:57
用march,day,is,tree-planting,12th,on和句号组成一句话 tree-planting Day is March 12th.翻译 tree-planting Day is (March 12th).括号部分提问翻译 我国哪个城市的空气比较好? 如何知道物体排开液体的体积受到的重力?V排液是? 《假如没有灰尘》告诉了我们怎样的哲理?没有灰尘,地球上的水会怎样? Doing work means mobbing a body through a distance by a force什么意思啊? Kobe Doing Work怎么翻译? work on to do和work on doing有这种说法吗?和go on to do ,go on doing at work ,be work doing 区别 march 12th is tree ___(plant)fsy in china Chinese Tree Planting Day is on March 12th改为特殊疑问句 谁能推荐几本关于写人生的书? done 和being done的区别都是表示被动的分词,该怎么区别请简便说明 The work is ______(most) done almos mostly怎么区别 We being League member,the work was well done翻译 保温材料硅酸铝是否导电 the teacher wants the work _____at once.A,doing B,being done c to be done d,to have done为什么选C呢,怎么不选A, it is __ to swim in the river in summer.sure it is,look at the sign.it says no swimmingfunnyexcitingdangerousdiffcult It is dangerous for little children to swim in the river.为什么这里用to swim It can swim in the river.It is f( ) 烧烤用锡铂纸的问题锡铂纸烧烤时如何使用 以及效果和注意事项 锡泊纸是用什么锡的求打锡泊是用什么锡加工而成,还是用锌?知情都还忘 I clern the board.(改为祈使句) 铝泊纸是属于哪个类别了, 一列由内燃机牵引的运煤列车,每节车厢最大载货量是60t,整列列车在内燃机车牵引下,以20m/s的速度在平直的铁轨上匀速行驶,受到的阻力是5x10^4N.求:(g取10N/kg)(1)内燃机车前进时牵引力的 英语翻译3.Do you know the man who is sitting behind Nancy?却要用who,这两者为何一个是定语从句,一个不是呢?请用通俗易懂的语言解释, there was an american teather in our school last year.(改否定句)There_____ _______ an american teather in our school last year. 1.The boy whose parents went to America last year got the first place in the competition.这句如何翻译? 2.The old man died of illness two years ago.中为何died前不用who?3.Do you know the man who is sitting behind Na ( )it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer!a,what a fun b,what fun c,how funny d,how a fun He __(live) in Beijing last year 1.Last year,i lived in a village with my parents.2.It took me about an hour to go to school by bike.3.我经常上学迟到.4.我不得不早上很早起床.5.Our house in the town is not far from a bus stop,so I can take a bus to school.请翻译下