
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:09:16
写茉莉的作文,500字! 我喜爱的茉莉花400字作文只是描写 陈述句改拟人句 比喻句 夸张句 借茉莉喻人作文500字,急! 山下开满了粉红色的杜鹃花.把以上句子改成比喻句和拟人句 你学会的英语单词越多,什么越少 食物英语单词(越多越好) 求常用日常食物英语单词..越多越好 急需关于物品的英语单词,越多越好!比如,a bad,a desk Are you going _____ your vacation next week?A.to B.with C.for D.on Are you going on spending your vacation in London? Are you going to __ __your vacation in London?改为同义句~~!~~谢啦 are you planning on going a___ for your next vacation 把句子改为比喻句或拟人句比喻:1.村边有条小河,河水清亮亮的.2.降落伞在天空中飘荡.3.运动员向终点跑去.拟人:窗外,风吹翠竹,沙沙作响.蝉儿在不停的叫.排比:我在这个家感到( ),感到 英语翻译翻译:Your ___is next to your bed. Your_________is next to your 翻译 IS it your favorit sport?karate is my favorite sport .next to baseball. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.(翻译这句话) 英语翻译Is it difficult to get up in the morning?Hiroyuki’s bed will solve your problem!Here is how it works.The bed is connected to an alarm clock.First,the alarm clock rings.You have a few minutes to wake up.Next,a tape recorder in the bed pl 把同一句子改成比喻句和拟人句50拟人句 你暑假过得怎么样?翻译 ( ) your summer vacation ( 你觉得你们的暑假过得怎么样翻译 what did you____ ____ your vacation? 你的暑假过得怎么样 _____your summer vacation ____? 英语翻译David:Sally,where will you spend your vacation?Sally:I will go to Canda for vacation?David:How exciting!I've never been there myself.when are you leaving Sally:Next weekDavid:How long are you staying Sally:Two weeksDavid:why do you choose 英语翻译大桥街是个能让人玩的开心的好地方.Bridge Street is a ______ ______to ______ ______. 请问怎么能让英语单词记的准,又快那? ( )The police helped me__the thief.A.to stop B.stop这道题我认为A和B都可以,可是答案却是B,我不知道为什么, They ( )[stop]the thife and took him to the police station.用方括号里词的适当形式填空急! Fortunately,they arrived promptly and they had little difficulty _____ the fire stop burningAlettingBmakingCgettingdcausing答案选A我选B please tell me when the plane will in beijing.i will meet you in 机场 汽车的雾灯用黄色光 为什么要用黄色光?这是我的作业 十万火急! 汽车的雾灯为什么是黄色的? 雾灯为什么选用黄色光专家请进!