
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:37:38
on a beautiful night和in a beautiful night有什么区别 氨基酸通过脱氨基作用形成的不含氮部分合成什么,氧化分解成什么?我知道书上有,可我的书被别人借走了,好心人行行好吧 THE CHARITY ORGANIZATION MANY PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE MONEY TO( ) TO SUPPORT HOMELESS PEOPLE WITH FOOD.a HELPINGb HELPc HELPSd HAVE HELPED正确答案是C,但我不知道为什么 People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again这句话里有once有once和没有有区别吗 英语翻译y o u 'r e s o b e a u t i f u l I l ov e y o u t r o u b l e i s a f r i e n d 中文是什么意思? 排序,写出汉语意思 1.s,e,u,h,o 2.r,i,d,y,l,e,f,n 3.a,p,o,l,e,u,p my brother likes hamburgers very much,but he doesn't like (v ) today sam ate six hamburgers at school!he likes hamburgers very much.lingling had asandwich becauseshe doesn't like hamburgers .we gave our hamburgers to sam.but i miss chinese food.tonight mum is going to cood chinese food for lingling.with love . Our school is very nice.(改为感叹句) Ann likes hamburgers very much , but her brother (d ) themRT Our school is very nice .改为感叹句 和 Mrs Black is very k___ to me.的答案是什么With a sign we can get some i_____ Good musicians are wanted for our rock b_____ The two boys are quite d____ The movie Titanic is an American r___.It is roma In my family,my brother likes hamburgers best.对“my brother”画线提问 英语版的关于“DOVE”《德芙》的故事 德芙爱情故事英文版 Some people ask their famailies and friends to give money to charity .在这个句子中用“give money to charity”不应该是用“for”而不是"to"的吗?可这里为什么用to 呢?请您解答, 谢谢您在这个课本的句子中“Here,st Some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity instead of buying them gifts.families不是表示“家人”吗?那家人的复数是原形,为什么还要变y为i加es? 国际象棋 棋子的含义是国际象棋哦~还有那个车...为什么是个炮台的形状?请说下为什么国际象棋中车为什么要设计成个炮台的样子吧...别的都已经知道了 树脂是什么意思? 已知直角坐标平面上点A(2,0),P是函数y=x(x>0)图象上一点,PQ⊥AP交y轴正半轴于点Q(如图).(1)试证明:AP=P (2)设点P的横坐标为a,点Q的纵坐标为b,那么b关于a的函数关系式是 ;(3) 如图,在直角坐标平面内,函数y=m/x(x>0.m是常数)的图像经过A(1,4),B(a,b),其中a>1如图,在直角坐标平面内,函数y=m/x(x>0.m是常数)的图像经过A(1,4),B(a,b),其中a>1.过点A作x轴垂线,垂足为C,过点B作y轴 在平面直角坐标系XOY中,过坐标原点的一条直线与函数y=2/x的图像交于P,Q两点.则线段PQ长的最大值是? Our school is very old,( )it's niceA.butB.andC.or The basketball's clup is very good nice in our school 改错 h f f i t可以组成什么单词 t y f i f 可以组成什么单词 求精确译文【Wish your dear daughter a happy birthday.Wish your dear daughter a happy birthday.Wish her success in study and happiness for ever!求译文 Oh ,my dear mother!I wish you a happy birthday 在平面直角坐标系XOY中,过坐标原点的一条直线与函数y=2/x的图像交于P,Q两点.则线段PQ长的最小值是?如何求出P的坐标为(√2,√2),Q的坐标为(-√2,-√2) 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,过坐标原点的一条直线与函数f(x)=2/x的图像交于P,Q两点,则线段PQ长的最小值是 what do they think of him?i want to know that(同义转换) i want to know _____ _____ _____of him It helps you to find the place that you want to know.