
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:49:48
she is lisa,(改为同义句) 广东珠三角地区是指哪几个地方? Lisa?Is________a nurse?Yes,_______she`s John`s sLisa?Is________a nurse?Yes,_______she`s John`s sister,too.Oh,I_______. 广东省的珠三角,东翼,西翼和山区五市分别指? 广东珠江三角洲的形成是?断层上升褶皱隆起火山喷发泥沙沉积 哪一个! 英语翻译 根据日常的观察还有哪些动物与家蚕的生殖与发育方式相似 与青蛙发育方式相同的动物 HE gave me some french books and told me how to learn it well. (同义句) 什么方式记录动物生长变化 写20遍日记 不一样的 写事呵呵 You mean I can't speak English ,don't you why don't you speak English?改为同意句 —— ——speak English? 求初一班级奋斗目标日记20分2篇不一样 1.Why don't you speak English in class?(改为同义句)2.You need to understand the sentence.(改为否定句)3.There are a lot of new words in the book.(改为同义句) Why don`t you speak English in the morning?改为同义句 My father is very busy.he always 1( )home early and g( )home late. Yesterday,my father got home from work very early.同义句转换 Yesterday,my father ___ ___ very early. I am a teacher.怎么改否定句和一般疑问句?如题 屈原在他的作品中还有一句脍炙人口的座右铭,谁知道? 屈原写的一句名句.再写《古朗月行》 ---Lend me some money,please.---Didn't he give you( )?A.some B.any C.no one D.other应该选什么?为什么? 屈原,我国最早的爱国诗人,他创作的我国第一部抒情长诗《离骚》中有句名言“__________”,表达了屈原争取自由、反抗侵略、不屈不挠的斗争精神. 课文《》、《》是屈原的重要作品 Can you speak English 同义句转换 Can you speak —— ——? Give_____ (he)brother some apples.Give___some grapes.(he) 清朝灭绝和慈禧有关吗 没慈禧太后清朝也一样会那么快灭亡吗?是一个辩论题 辩论题:如果没有慈禧太后,清朝就不会灭亡注:我是反方,也就是“如果没有慈禧太后,清朝就不会灭亡”,请不要偏题.还有,从别的地方找来的长度足以刷屏的无关材料不要出现! 如果慈禧太后不死 袁世凯的北洋新军对清朝有威胁吗 清朝能灭亡吗 his father goes to work on foot very day.对on foot提问nothing can live if there is no air or water.用without it's a fine day today.改为感叹句.my home is 100 metres from my school.对100 metres 提问 he went to the shop yesterday afternoon. my father is very friendly ( )his work