
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 00:34:17
求一篇题目为What can i do for our environment?的一篇作文英语作文 快 大学英语,21.He ____________the Communist Party____________2002.A.has joined,inB.has joined,sinceC.joined,onD.joined,in满分:2 分22.That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago.A.has been builtB.had builtC.was builtD.has built满分:2 分23 How many students haven't failed in the exam?___A NobodyB No oneC NoneD Anyone 英语翻译还有,开头那个have是干嘛的 ____of the students of our class _____fifty-four.A.The number,is B.The amount ,is C.The number ,are D.A number,are ___of the students in our class is fifty four and___of us are girlsA.the number,two thirds B.the number two third C.A number,two half D.A number three quaters ----- of the students in our class is fifty-four,and ------ of us are girls.A.the number;two thirdsB.the number;two thirdC.a number;two halfD.a number;three quarters There are five foreign students in our class.One is from England,_____ four are from America. 打网球对于我来说很难 ————to play tennis He like to play ____.He doesn't like to piay____.He likes to eat___.He doesn't like to eat__.His favorite color is ___.He doesn't like____. 保尔柯察金 电影是英文吗?英式还是美式?是纯的英语吗(不带口音) 直接换间接引语特殊疑问句一直没弄懂what,where疑问副词后面应该是陈述句还是什么……比如:jim asked tom : what's your hobby?是不是就是:jim asked tom what his hobby was? 2.四道大学英语选择题 答案对吗想知道为什么7.The flat we have rented is very ( c ) for the underground station.(地下车站)A.suitable \x05\x05\x05\x05B.comfortable C.convenient \x05\x05\x05\x05D.near8.The newspapers and magazin 全新版大学英语4综合教程答案整成TXT格式 450051943@qq.com 速度发过来 太阳能装有浮球阀能用增压泵吗? 清明时节雨纷纷全诗规划 怎么改反义疑问句 直接引语 间接引语1,Lin asked me “You’ve already got well,haven't you?”怎么改?顺便说以下改反义疑问句的方法, 请求发新理念5.6大学英语第二册测试答案 新世纪大学英语第五册答案第5册综合教程~ 新理念大学英语5.6第二册答案, 初中英语话题作文初中英语作文有哪些话题啊?最好要有范文啊!急用,好的我会加分的.还有些吗 人教版小学二年级的英语课文录音听力,在哪里可以免费下载啊?或者谁有的可以分享一下呢? 大学英语精4读课后答案 高分急求大学英语泛读和全新版大学英语综合教程4的答案,.第三版的,泛读第7课是about heros要有翻译cloze答案的,完整版 英语翻译 英语翻译杜牧的《赤壁》翻译成英文是什么样的啊?.最好还要有英文的赏析```谢谢诗也要翻译出来``` 清明时节雨纷纷,是杜牧的哪一首诗 杜牧所写的《 》“清明时节雨纷纷” 美国的动画片有哪些发音标准的、适合写英语的? 请帮忙判断下功夫熊猫 `料理鼠王`花木兰`马达加斯加等动画片是英式发音还是美式发音?提供下英式发音的电赎罪——真爱至上一些梦工厂的动画片 比如功夫熊猫 料理鼠王 (貌似是美音)花 You have the most students.翻译