
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:29:54
求英语演讲视频.能用迅雷下载的. 在哪里可以看到英语演讲的视频我想看看历年的cctv杯英语演讲决赛的视频,就是有英文字幕的那种,可是我在土豆上面打了也没什么,声音好像还不清楚,想问问怎么才能看到呀还有历年的英语 怎样发邮件SM公司?发给sm公司的邮件里面写的内容,内容写什么?发给他们会看吗? Heaven and hell not my choice of rights,but I was the fate of choice Heaven and hell not my choice 求对偶句:我会做你的阳光给你触手可及的万里晴空这么多天,就两条回复,我想要工整一点的对偶句 阳光正好 太阳依旧 生活继续的对偶句 give up ,give in ,give away,give out他们都有分发、交出的意思.那么这句 he ___ all his money ___to charity after he died.应该用哪个?why?3Q3Q3Q3Q3Q3Q! 人们能解决厄尔尼诺的困扰吗?为什么? 有人知道才子英语和酷酷口语么?哪个比较好?比较正规?或者有谁在里面学过?能给点意见么,还有个什么乐这些网络音频教学的学校有什么是比较有名的?就是能学的好的?主要练口语嘛,价格合 it was made __hand .not with a machine如题 ____ impressed the tourists deeply was ____ the workers made with their hands.A.What;thatB.That;thatC.What;whatD.That;what为啥选C? 有关于下雨的诗词 2.___ impressed the vistors was ___ the workers made with their hands. A.What ,that B.That ,that C.What,what D.That ,what 答案是:C 为什么不能选B?that可以做主语,宾语吗? 请详细说明.谢谢! _ impressed the visitors deeply was _ the workers made with their hands.A.what;thatB.that;thatC.what;whatD.that;what为啥? You are Unique|you're second to none 翻译成中文是什么 "you are going to settl for 整句是the world's best universities once you say you are going to serrl for second ,that's what haooen I ___and____with my hands.在横线中填上适当的词。 silking with my hands的中文意思 左右撇子、左撇子、右撇子有什么区别? 为什么会有左撇子右撇子?达芬奇好像左右手都能动,我生来是用右手的吧,但是现在左手也比较灵活,我同学生来是左撇子,打球的时候先用右手和你打,如果你比她打得好,再换左手和你来真的, 平淡无奇的反义词他们做的事平淡无奇而又润物无声,平淡无奇在这句话中的反义词是什么 平淡无奇的反义词是什么 忽略、背离、平淡无奇的反义词求求你们说吧 忽略,背离和平淡无奇的反义词 求a押韵的所有成语. It is driving my life crazy.有没有语法错误? The same.just finished eatini.Doing want to me?mad at me?有人发给我的,...The same.just finished eatini.Doing want to me?mad at me?有人发给我的,谁能翻译,速回 I Don t Wanna Miss A Thing 英语翻译they(particularly quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few,if any,strings attached.翻译0575 英语翻译They(particularly quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few,if any,strings attached.第一,with few怎么理解.第二,if any 怎么理解 这两个地方非常不明白,看了翻译也不明白为什 英语翻译Quebec's Drug Insurance Fund has seen its costs skyrocket with annual increases from 14.3 percent to 26.8 percent!翻译0575其中的see是怎样的用法及含义? be going to sp等于?l am going to leave shanghai this evening.l am ________shanghai_________.(保持句意基本不变)